


This can be passed to any Soup.Address method that expects a port, to indicate that you don’t care what port is used.

Soup.ADDRESS_FAMILY = 'family'

Alias for the Soup.Address :family property. (The Soup.AddressFamily for this address.)

Soup.ADDRESS_NAME = 'name'

Alias for the Soup.Address :name property. (The hostname for this address.)

Soup.ADDRESS_PHYSICAL = 'physical'

An alias for the Soup.Address :physical property. (The stringified IP address for this address.)

Soup.ADDRESS_PORT = 'port'

An alias for the Soup.Address :port property. (The port for this address.)

Soup.ADDRESS_PROTOCOL = 'protocol'

Alias for the Soup.Address :protocol property. (The URI scheme used with this address.)

Soup.ADDRESS_SOCKADDR = 'sockaddr'

An alias for the Soup.Address :sockaddr property. (A pointer to the struct sockaddr for this address.)

Soup.AUTH_DOMAIN_ADD_PATH = 'add-path'

Alias for the Soup.AuthDomain :add-path property. (Shortcut for calling Soup.AuthDomain.add_path().)


Alias for the Soup.AuthDomainBasic :auth-callback property. (The Soup.AuthDomainBasicAuthCallback.)


Alias for the Soup.AuthDomainBasic :auth-data property. (The data to pass to the Soup.AuthDomainBasicAuthCallback.)


Alias for the Soup.AuthDomainDigest :auth-callback property. (The Soup.AuthDomainDigestAuthCallback.)


Alias for the Soup.AuthDomainDigest :auth-callback property. (The Soup.AuthDomainDigestAuthCallback.)

Soup.AUTH_DOMAIN_FILTER = 'filter'

Alias for the Soup.AuthDomain :filter property. (The Soup.AuthDomainFilter for the domain.)

Soup.AUTH_DOMAIN_FILTER_DATA = 'filter-data'

Alias for the Soup.AuthDomain :filter-data property. (Data to pass to the Soup.AuthDomainFilter.)

Soup.AUTH_DOMAIN_GENERIC_AUTH_CALLBACK = 'generic-auth-callback'

Alias for the Soup.AuthDomain :generic-auth-callback property. (The Soup.AuthDomainGenericAuthCallback.)

Soup.AUTH_DOMAIN_GENERIC_AUTH_DATA = 'generic-auth-data'

Alias for the Soup.AuthDomain :generic-auth-data property. (The data to pass to the Soup.AuthDomainGenericAuthCallback.)

Soup.AUTH_DOMAIN_PROXY = 'proxy'

Alias for the Soup.AuthDomain :proxy property. (Whether or not this is a proxy auth domain.)

Soup.AUTH_DOMAIN_REALM = 'realm'

Alias for the Soup.AuthDomain :realm property. (The realm of this auth domain.)

Soup.AUTH_DOMAIN_REMOVE_PATH = 'remove-path'

Alias for the Soup.AuthDomain :remove-path property. (Shortcut for calling Soup.AuthDomain.remove_path().)

Soup.AUTH_HOST = 'host'

An alias for the Soup.Auth :host property. (The host being authenticated to.)

Soup.AUTH_IS_AUTHENTICATED = 'is-authenticated'

An alias for the Soup.Auth :is-authenticated property. (Whether or not the auth has been authenticated.)

Soup.AUTH_IS_FOR_PROXY = 'is-for-proxy'

An alias for the Soup.Auth :is-for-proxy property. (Whether or not the auth is for a proxy server.)

Soup.AUTH_REALM = 'realm'

An alias for the Soup.Auth :realm property. (The authentication realm.)

Soup.AUTH_SCHEME_NAME = 'scheme-name'

An alias for the Soup.Auth :scheme-name property. (The authentication scheme name.)

Soup.COOKIE_JAR_ACCEPT_POLICY = 'accept-policy'

Alias for the Soup.CookieJar :accept-policy property.

New in version 2.30.

Soup.COOKIE_JAR_DB_FILENAME = 'filename'

Alias for the Soup.CookieJarDB :filename property. (The cookie-storage filename.)

Soup.COOKIE_JAR_READ_ONLY = 'read-only'

Alias for the Soup.CookieJar :read-only property. (Whether or not the cookie jar is read-only.)


Alias for the Soup.CookieJarText :filename property. (The cookie-storage filename.)


A constant corresponding to 1 day, for use with and Soup.Cookie.set_max_age().

New in version 2.24.


A constant corresponding to 1 hour, for use with and Soup.Cookie.set_max_age().

New in version 2.24.


A constant corresponding to 1 week, for use with and Soup.Cookie.set_max_age().

New in version 2.24.


A constant corresponding to 1 year, for use with and Soup.Cookie.set_max_age().

New in version 2.24.

Soup.FORM_MIME_TYPE_MULTIPART = 'multipart/form-data'

A macro containing the value "multipart/form-data"; the MIME type used for posting form data that contains files to be uploaded.

New in version 2.26.

Soup.FORM_MIME_TYPE_URLENCODED = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'

A macro containing the value "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; the default MIME type for POSTing HTML form data.

New in version 2.26.

Soup.LOGGER_LEVEL = 'level'

Alias for the Soup.Logger :level property, qv.

New in version 2.56.

Soup.LOGGER_MAX_BODY_SIZE = 'max-body-size'

Alias for the Soup.Logger :max-body-size property, qv.

New in version 2.56.


Like Soup.get_major_version(), but from the headers used at application compile time, rather than from the library linked against at application run time.

New in version 2.42.

Soup.MESSAGE_FIRST_PARTY = 'first-party'

Alias for the Soup.Message :first-party property. (The Soup.URI loaded in the application when the message was queued.)

New in version 2.30.

Soup.MESSAGE_FLAGS = 'flags'

Alias for the Soup.Message :flags property. (The message’s Soup.MessageFlags.)

Soup.MESSAGE_HTTP_VERSION = 'http-version'

Alias for the Soup.Message :http-version property. (The message’s Soup.HTTPVersion.)

Soup.MESSAGE_IS_TOP_LEVEL_NAVIGATION = 'is-top-level-navigation'
Soup.MESSAGE_METHOD = 'method'

Alias for the Soup.Message :method property. (The message’s HTTP method.)

Soup.MESSAGE_PRIORITY = 'priority'

Sets the priority of the Soup.Message. See Soup.Message.set_priority() for further details.

New in version 2.44.

Soup.MESSAGE_REASON_PHRASE = 'reason-phrase'

Alias for the Soup.Message :reason-phrase property. (The message’s HTTP response reason phrase.)

Soup.MESSAGE_REQUEST_BODY = 'request-body'

Alias for the Soup.Message :request-body property. (The message’s HTTP request body.)

Soup.MESSAGE_REQUEST_BODY_DATA = 'request-body-data'

Alias for the Soup.Message :request-body-data property. (The message’s HTTP request body, as a GLib.Bytes.)

New in version 2.46.

Soup.MESSAGE_REQUEST_HEADERS = 'request-headers'

Alias for the Soup.Message :request-headers property. (The message’s HTTP request headers.)

Soup.MESSAGE_RESPONSE_BODY = 'response-body'

Alias for the Soup.Message :response-body property. (The message’s HTTP response body.)

Soup.MESSAGE_RESPONSE_BODY_DATA = 'response-body-data'

Alias for the Soup.Message :response-body-data property. (The message’s HTTP response body, as a GLib.Bytes.)

New in version 2.46.

Soup.MESSAGE_RESPONSE_HEADERS = 'response-headers'

Alias for the Soup.Message :response-headers property. (The message’s HTTP response headers.)

Soup.MESSAGE_SERVER_SIDE = 'server-side'

Alias for the Soup.Message :server-side property. (True if the message was created by Soup.Server.)

Soup.MESSAGE_SITE_FOR_COOKIES = 'site-for-cookies'
Soup.MESSAGE_STATUS_CODE = 'status-code'

Alias for the Soup.Message :status-code property. (The message’s HTTP response status code.)

Soup.MESSAGE_TLS_CERTIFICATE = 'tls-certificate'

Alias for the Soup.Message :tls-certificate property. (The TLS certificate associated with the message, if any.)

New in version 2.34.

Soup.MESSAGE_TLS_ERRORS = 'tls-errors'

Alias for the Soup.Message :tls-errors property. (The verification errors on Soup.Message :tls-certificate.)

New in version 2.34.

Soup.MESSAGE_URI = 'uri'

Alias for the Soup.Message :uri property. (The message’s Soup.URI.)


Like Soup.get_micro_version(), but from the headers used at application compile time, rather than from the library linked against at application run time.

New in version 2.42.


Like Soup.get_minor_version(), but from the headers used at application compile time, rather than from the library linked against at application run time.

New in version 2.42.

Soup.REQUEST_SESSION = 'session'

Alias for the Soup.Request :session property, qv.

New in version 2.42.

Soup.REQUEST_URI = 'uri'

Alias for the Soup.Request :uri property, qv.

New in version 2.42.

Soup.SERVER_ASYNC_CONTEXT = 'async-context'

Alias for the deprecated Soup.Server :async-context property, qv.

Deprecated since version ???: The new API uses the thread-default GLib.MainContext rather than having an explicitly-specified one.

Soup.SERVER_HTTPS_ALIASES = 'https-aliases'

Alias for the Soup.Server :https-aliases property, qv.

New in version 2.44.

Soup.SERVER_HTTP_ALIASES = 'http-aliases'

Alias for the Soup.Server :http-aliases property, qv.

New in version 2.44.

Soup.SERVER_INTERFACE = 'interface'

Alias for the Soup.Server :interface property, qv.

Deprecated since version ???: Soup.Servers can listen on multiple interfaces at once now. Use Soup.Server.listen(), etc, to listen on an interface, and Soup.Server.get_uris() to see what addresses are being listened on.

Soup.SERVER_PORT = 'port'

Alias for the deprecated Soup.Server :port property, qv.

Deprecated since version ???: Soup.Servers can listen on multiple interfaces at once now. Use Soup.Server.listen(), etc, to listen on a port, and Soup.Server.get_uris() to see what ports are being listened on.

Soup.SERVER_RAW_PATHS = 'raw-paths'

Alias for the Soup.Server :raw-paths property. (If True, percent-encoding in the Request-URI path will not be automatically decoded.)

Soup.SERVER_SERVER_HEADER = 'server-header'

Alias for the Soup.Server :server-header property, qv.

Soup.SERVER_SSL_CERT_FILE = 'ssl-cert-file'

Alias for the Soup.Server :ssl-cert-file property, qv.

Deprecated since version ???: use Soup.Server :tls-certificate or soup_server_set_ssl_certificate().

Soup.SERVER_SSL_KEY_FILE = 'ssl-key-file'

Alias for the Soup.Server :ssl-key-file property, qv.

Deprecated since version ???: use Soup.Server :tls-certificate or soup_server_set_ssl_certificate().

Soup.SERVER_TLS_CERTIFICATE = 'tls-certificate'

Alias for the Soup.Server :tls-certificate property, qv.

New in version 2.38.

Soup.SESSION_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE = 'accept-language'

Alias for the Soup.Session :accept-language property, qv.

New in version 2.30.

Soup.SESSION_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE_AUTO = 'accept-language-auto'

Alias for the Soup.Session :accept-language-auto property, qv.

New in version 2.30.

Soup.SESSION_ASYNC_CONTEXT = 'async-context'

Alias for the Soup.Session :async-context property, qv.

Soup.SESSION_HTTPS_ALIASES = 'https-aliases'

Alias for the Soup.Session :https-aliases property, qv.

New in version 2.38.

Soup.SESSION_HTTP_ALIASES = 'http-aliases'

Alias for the Soup.Session :http-aliases property, qv.

New in version 2.38.

Soup.SESSION_IDLE_TIMEOUT = 'idle-timeout'

Alias for the Soup.Session :idle-timeout property, qv.

New in version 2.24.

Soup.SESSION_LOCAL_ADDRESS = 'local-address'

Alias for the Soup.Session :local-address property, qv.

New in version 2.42.

Soup.SESSION_MAX_CONNS = 'max-conns'

Alias for the Soup.Session :max-conns property, qv.

Soup.SESSION_MAX_CONNS_PER_HOST = 'max-conns-per-host'

Alias for the Soup.Session :max-conns-per-host property, qv.

Soup.SESSION_PROXY_RESOLVER = 'proxy-resolver'

Alias for the Soup.Session :proxy-resolver property, qv.

Soup.SESSION_PROXY_URI = 'proxy-uri'

Alias for the Soup.Session :proxy-uri property, qv.

Soup.SESSION_SSL_CA_FILE = 'ssl-ca-file'

Alias for the Soup.Session :ssl-ca-file property, qv.

Soup.SESSION_SSL_STRICT = 'ssl-strict'

Alias for the Soup.Session :ssl-strict property, qv.

New in version 2.30.

Soup.SESSION_SSL_USE_SYSTEM_CA_FILE = 'ssl-use-system-ca-file'

Alias for the Soup.Session :ssl-use-system-ca-file property, qv.

New in version 2.38.

Soup.SESSION_TIMEOUT = 'timeout'

Alias for the Soup.Session :timeout property, qv.

Soup.SESSION_TLS_DATABASE = 'tls-database'

Alias for the Soup.Session :tls-database property, qv.

New in version 2.38.

Soup.SESSION_TLS_INTERACTION = 'tls-interaction'

Alias for the Soup.Session :tls-interaction property, qv.

New in version 2.48.

Soup.SESSION_USER_AGENT = 'user-agent'

Alias for the Soup.Session :user-agent property, qv.

Soup.SESSION_USE_NTLM = 'use-ntlm'

Alias for the Soup.Session :use-ntlm property, qv.

Soup.SESSION_USE_THREAD_CONTEXT = 'use-thread-context'

Alias for the Soup.Session :use-thread-context property, qv.

New in version 2.38.

Soup.SOCKET_ASYNC_CONTEXT = 'async-context'

Alias for the Soup.Socket :async-context property. (The socket’s GLib.MainContext.)

Soup.SOCKET_FLAG_NONBLOCKING = 'non-blocking'

Alias for the Soup.Socket :non-blocking property. (Whether or not the socket uses non-blocking I/O.)

Soup.SOCKET_IS_SERVER = 'is-server'

Alias for the Soup.Socket :is-server property, qv.

Soup.SOCKET_LOCAL_ADDRESS = 'local-address'

Alias for the Soup.Socket :local-address property. (Address of local end of socket.)

Soup.SOCKET_REMOTE_ADDRESS = 'remote-address'

Alias for the Soup.Socket :remote-address property. (Address of remote end of socket.)


Alias for the Soup.Socket :ssl-creds property. (SSL credential information.)

Soup.SOCKET_SSL_FALLBACK = 'ssl-fallback'

Alias for the Soup.Socket :ssl-fallback property.

Soup.SOCKET_SSL_STRICT = 'ssl-strict'

Alias for the Soup.Socket :ssl-strict property.

Soup.SOCKET_TIMEOUT = 'timeout'

Alias for the Soup.Socket :timeout property. (The timeout in seconds for blocking socket I/O operations.)

Soup.SOCKET_TLS_CERTIFICATE = 'tls-certificate'

Alias for the Soup.Socket :tls-certificate property. Note that this property’s value is only useful if the socket is for a TLS connection, and only reliable after some data has been transferred to or from it.

New in version 2.34.

Soup.SOCKET_TLS_ERRORS = 'tls-errors'

Alias for the Soup.Socket :tls-errors property. Note that this property’s value is only useful if the socket is for a TLS connection, and only reliable after some data has been transferred to or from it.

New in version 2.34.

Soup.SOCKET_TRUSTED_CERTIFICATE = 'trusted-certificate'

Alias for the Soup.Socket :trusted-certificate property.

Soup.SOCKET_USE_THREAD_CONTEXT = 'use-thread-context'

Alias for the Soup.Socket :use-thread-context property. (Use GLib.MainContext.get_thread_default())

New in version 2.38.


A macro that should be defined by the user prior to including libsoup.h. The definition should be one of the predefined libsoup version macros: %SOUP_VERSION_2_24, %SOUP_VERSION_2_26, …

This macro defines the earliest version of libsoup that the package is required to be able to compile against.

If the compiler is configured to warn about the use of deprecated functions, then using functions that were deprecated in version Soup.VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED or earlier will cause warnings (but using functions deprecated in later releases will not).

New in version 2.42.