
g Cogl.Texture Cogl.Texture GObject.GInterface GObject.GInterface GObject.GInterface->Cogl.Texture




allocate ()

get_components ()

get_data (format, rowstride, data)

get_gl_texture ()

get_height ()

get_max_waste ()

get_premultiplied ()

get_width ()

is_sliced ()

set_components (components)

set_premultiplied (premultiplied)

set_region (src_x, src_y, dst_x, dst_y, dst_width, dst_height, width, height, format, rowstride, data)

Virtual Methods








Class Details

class Cogl.Texture





True if the texture was successfully allocated, otherwise False and error will be updated if it wasn’t None.

Return type:


Explicitly allocates the storage for the given self which allows you to be sure that there is enough memory for the texture and if not then the error can be handled gracefully.

Normally applications don’t need to use this api directly since the texture will be implicitly allocated when data is set on the texture, or if the texture is attached to a Cogl.Offscreen framebuffer and rendered too.

Return type:


Queries what components the given self stores internally as set via Cogl.Texture.set_components().

For textures created by the ‘_with_size’ constructors the default is Cogl.TextureComponents.RGBA. The other constructors which take a Cogl.Bitmap or a data pointer default to the same components as the pixel format of the data.

New in version 1.18.

get_data(format, rowstride, data)
  • format (Cogl.PixelFormat) – the Cogl.PixelFormat to store the texture as.

  • rowstride (int) – the rowstride of data in bytes or pass 0 to calculate from the bytes-per-pixel of format multiplied by the self width.

  • data (int) – memory location to write the self's contents, or None to only query the data size through the return value.


the size of the texture data in bytes

Return type:


Copies the pixel data from a cogl texture to system memory.

Don’t pass the value of cogl_texture_get_rowstride() as the rowstride argument, the rowstride should be the rowstride you want for the destination data buffer not the rowstride of the source texture


True if the handle was successfully retrieved, False if the handle was invalid


pointer to return location for the textures GL handle, or None.


pointer to return location for the GL target type, or None.

Return type:

(int, out_gl_handle: int, out_gl_target: int)

Queries the GL handles for a GPU side texture through its Cogl.Texture.

If the texture is spliced the data for the first sub texture will be queried.


the height of the GPU side texture in pixels

Return type:


Queries the height of a cogl texture.


the maximum waste

Return type:


Queries the maximum wasted (unused) pixels in one dimension of a GPU side texture.


True if red, green and blue components are internally stored pre-multiplied by the alpha value or False if not.

Return type:


Queries the pre-multiplied alpha status for internally stored red, green and blue components for the given self as set by Cogl.Texture.set_premultiplied().

By default the pre-multipled state is True.

New in version 1.18.


the width of the GPU side texture in pixels

Return type:


Queries the width of a cogl texture.


True if the texture is sliced, False if the texture is stored as a single GPU texture

Return type:


Queries if a texture is sliced (stored as multiple GPU side tecture objects).


components (Cogl.TextureComponents) –

Affects the internal storage format for this texture by specifying what components will be required for sampling later.

This api affects how data is uploaded to the GPU since unused components can potentially be discarded from source data.

For textures created by the ‘_with_size’ constructors the default is Cogl.TextureComponents.RGBA. The other constructors which take a Cogl.Bitmap or a data pointer default to the same components as the pixel format of the data.

Note that the Cogl.TextureComponents.RG format is not available on all drivers. The availability can be determined by checking for the %COGL_FEATURE_ID_TEXTURE_RG feature. If this format is used on a driver where it is not available then Cogl.TextureError.FORMAT will be raised when the texture is allocated. Even if the feature is not available then Cogl.PixelFormat.RG_88 can still be used as an image format as long as Cogl.TextureComponents.RG isn’t used as the texture’s components.

New in version 1.18.


premultiplied (int) – Whether any internally stored red, green or blue components are pre-multiplied by an alpha component.

Affects the internal storage format for this texture by specifying whether red, green and blue color components should be stored as pre-multiplied alpha values.

This api affects how data is uploaded to the GPU since Cogl will convert source data to have premultiplied or unpremultiplied components according to this state.

For example if you create a texture via cogl_texture_2d_new_with_size() and then upload data via cogl_texture_set_data() passing a source format of Cogl.PixelFormat.RGBA_8888 then Cogl will internally multiply the red, green and blue components of the source data by the alpha component, for each pixel so that the internally stored data has pre-multiplied alpha components. If you instead upload data that already has pre-multiplied components by passing Cogl.PixelFormat.RGBA_8888_PRE as the source format to cogl_texture_set_data() then the data can be uploaded without being converted.

By default the premultipled state is True.

New in version 1.18.

set_region(src_x, src_y, dst_x, dst_y, dst_width, dst_height, width, height, format, rowstride, data)
  • src_x (int) – upper left coordinate to use from source data.

  • src_y (int) – upper left coordinate to use from source data.

  • dst_x (int) – upper left destination horizontal coordinate.

  • dst_y (int) – upper left destination vertical coordinate.

  • dst_width (int) – width of destination region to write. (Must be less than or equal to width)

  • dst_height (int) – height of destination region to write. (Must be less than or equal to height)

  • width (int) – width of source data buffer.

  • height (int) – height of source data buffer.

  • format (Cogl.PixelFormat) – the Cogl.PixelFormat used in the source buffer.

  • rowstride (int) – rowstride of source buffer (computed from width if none specified)

  • data (int) – the actual pixel data.


True if the subregion upload was successful, and False otherwise

Return type:


Sets the pixels in a rectangular subregion of self from an in-memory buffer containing pixel data.

The region set can’t be larger than the source data