



destroy ()

insert (key)

key_foreach (func, *user_data)

remove (value)

value_foreach (func, *user_data)


class GLib.Cache

A GCache allows sharing of complex data structures, in order to save system resources.

GCache uses keys and values. A GCache key describes the properties of a particular resource. A GCache value is the actual resource.

GCache has been marked as deprecated, since this API is rarely used and not very actively maintained.

Deprecated since version 2.32: Use a GLib.HashTable instead


Frees the memory allocated for the GLib.Cache.

Note that it does not destroy the keys and values which were contained in the GLib.Cache.

Deprecated since version 2.32: Use a GLib.HashTable instead


key (object or None) – a key describing a GLib.Cache object


a pointer to a GLib.Cache value

Return type:

object or None

Gets the value corresponding to the given key, creating it if necessary. It first checks if the value already exists in the GLib.Cache, by using the key_equal_func function passed to g_cache_new(). If it does already exist it is returned, and its reference count is increased by one. If the value does not currently exist, if is created by calling the value_new_func. The key is duplicated by calling key_dup_func and the duplicated key and value are inserted into the GLib.Cache.

Deprecated since version 2.32: Use a GLib.HashTable instead

key_foreach(func, *user_data)[source]

Calls the given function for each of the keys in the GLib.Cache.

NOTE func is passed three parameters, the value and key of a cache entry and the user_data. The order of value and key is different from the order in which GLib.HashTable.foreach() passes key-value pairs to its callback function !

Deprecated since version 2.32: Use a GLib.HashTable instead


value (object or None) – the value to remove

Decreases the reference count of the given value. If it drops to 0 then the value and its corresponding key are destroyed, using the value_destroy_func and key_destroy_func passed to g_cache_new().

Deprecated since version 2.32: Use a GLib.HashTable instead

value_foreach(func, *user_data)[source]

Calls the given function for each of the values in the GLib.Cache.

Deprecated since version 2.10: The reason is that it passes pointers to internal data structures to func; use GLib.Cache.key_foreach() instead