

Gsf.META_NAME_BYTE_COUNT = 'gsf:byte-count'

(Integer) Count of bytes in the document.

Gsf.META_NAME_CASE_SENSITIVE = 'gsf:case-sensitivity'

(Unsigned Integer) Identifier representing the case-sensitiveness.

of what ?? why is it an integer ??

Gsf.META_NAME_CATEGORY = 'gsf:category'

(String) Category of the document. example???

Gsf.META_NAME_CELL_COUNT = 'gsf:cell-count'

(Integer) Count of cells in the spread-sheet document, if appropriate.

Gsf.META_NAME_CHARACTER_COUNT = 'gsf:character-count'

(Integer) Count of characters in the document.

TODO See how to sync this with ODF’s document-statistic

Gsf.META_NAME_CODEPAGE = 'msole:codepage'

(UnsignedShort) The MS codepage to encode strings for metadata 1.14.0 Clarified that this is unique from _NAME_CODEPAGE in msole

Gsf.META_NAME_COMPANY = 'dc:publisher'

(String) Name of the company/organization that the “CREATOR” entity is associated with.

1.14.1 Moved from “gsf:company” to “dc:publisher”.

Gsf.META_NAME_CREATOR = 'dc:creator'

(String) An entity primarily responsible for making the content of the resource typically a person, organization, or service.

1.14.0 Moved from “gsf” to “dc”.

Gsf.META_NAME_DATE_CREATED = 'meta:creation-date'

(Date as ISO String) A date associated with an event in the life cycle of the resource (creation/publication date). Moved from gsf:date-created to meta:creation-date. This way can be used correctly by OpenDocument and Gnumeric.


(Gsf.Timestamp) The last time this document was saved.

1.14.0 Moved from dc:date-modified to dc:date.

Gsf.META_NAME_DESCRIPTION = 'dc:description'

(String) An account of the content of the resource.

Gsf.META_NAME_DICTIONARY = 'gsf:dictionary'

(None) Reserved name (PID) for Dictionary

Gsf.META_NAME_DOCUMENT_PARTS = 'gsf:document-parts'

(Vector of strings) Names of the ‘interesting’ parts of the document. In spreadsheets this is a list of the sheet names, and the named expressions. From MSOLE

Gsf.META_NAME_EDITING_DURATION = 'meta:editing-duration'

(Date as ISO String) The total-time taken until the last modification. Moved from “gsf” to “meta”. This way can be used correctly by OpenDocument and Gnumeric.

Gsf.META_NAME_GENERATOR = 'meta:generator'

(String) The application that generated this document. AbiWord, Gnumeric, etc…

1.14.0 Moved from “gsf” to “meta”.

Gsf.META_NAME_HEADING_PAIRS = 'gsf:heading-pairs'

(Vector of string value pairs stored in alternating elements) Store the counts of objects in the document as names ‘worksheet’ and count ‘4’ From MSOLE

Gsf.META_NAME_HIDDEN_SLIDE_COUNT = 'gsf:hidden-slide-count'

(Integer) Count of hidden-slides in the presentation document.

Gsf.META_NAME_IMAGE_COUNT = 'gsf:image-count'

(Integer) Count of images in the document, if appropriate.

Gsf.META_NAME_INITIAL_CREATOR = 'meta:initial-creator'

(String) Specifies the name of the person who created the document initially. 1.14.0 Moved from “gsf” to “meta”.

Gsf.META_NAME_KEYWORD = 'meta:keyword'

(String) Searchable, indexable keywords. Similar to PDF keywords or HTML’s meta block.

Gsf.META_NAME_KEYWORDS = 'dc:keywords'

(Gsf.DocPropVector of String) Searchable, indexable keywords. Similar to PDF keywords or HTML’s meta block.

Gsf.META_NAME_LANGUAGE = 'dc:language'

(String) The locale language of the intellectual content of the resource (basically xx_YY form for us). 1.14.0 Clarified that this is unique from _NAME_CODEPAGE in msole

Gsf.META_NAME_LAST_PRINTED = 'gsf:last-printed'

(Gsf.META_NAME_HEADING_PAIRS) The last time this document was printed.

1.14.0 Moved from “gsf” to “dc”. 1.14.1 Moved back to “gsf” from “dc”.

Gsf.META_NAME_LAST_SAVED_BY = 'gsf:last-saved-by'

(String) The entity that made the last change to the document, typically a person, organization, or service.

Gsf.META_NAME_LINE_COUNT = 'gsf:line-count'

(Integer) Count of liness in the document.

(Boolean) ???????

Gsf.META_NAME_LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT = 'gsf:default-locale'

(Unsigned Integer) Identifier representing the default system locale.

Gsf.META_NAME_MANAGER = 'gsf:manager'

(String) Name of the manager of “CREATOR” entity.

Gsf.META_NAME_MM_CLIP_COUNT = 'gsf:MM-clip-count'

(Integer) Count of “multi-media” clips in the document.

Gsf.META_NAME_MSOLE_UNKNOWN_17 = 'msole:unknown-doc-17'

(Unknown) User-defined name

Gsf.META_NAME_MSOLE_UNKNOWN_18 = 'msole:unknown-doc-18'

(Unknown) User-defined name

Gsf.META_NAME_MSOLE_UNKNOWN_19 = 'msole:unknown-doc-19'

(Boolean) User-defined name

Gsf.META_NAME_MSOLE_UNKNOWN_20 = 'msole:unknown-doc-20'

(Unknown) User-defined name

Gsf.META_NAME_MSOLE_UNKNOWN_21 = 'msole:unknown-doc-21'

(Unknown) User-defined name

Gsf.META_NAME_MSOLE_UNKNOWN_22 = 'msole:unknown-doc-22'

(Boolean) User-defined name

Gsf.META_NAME_MSOLE_UNKNOWN_23 = 'msole:unknown-doc-23'

(i4) User-defined name

Gsf.META_NAME_NOTE_COUNT = 'gsf:note-count'

(Integer) Count of “notes” in the document.

Gsf.META_NAME_OBJECT_COUNT = 'gsf:object-count'

(Integer) Count of objects (OLE and other graphics) in the document, if appropriate.

Gsf.META_NAME_PAGE_COUNT = 'gsf:page-count'

(Integer) Count of pages in the document, if appropriate.

Gsf.META_NAME_PARAGRAPH_COUNT = 'gsf:paragraph-count'

(Integer) Count of paragraphs in the document, if appropriate.

Gsf.META_NAME_PRESENTATION_FORMAT = 'gsf:presentation-format'

(String) Type of presentation, like “On-screen Show”, “SlideView” etc.

Gsf.META_NAME_PRINTED_BY = 'meta:printed-by'

(String) Specifies the name of the last person who printed the document.

1.14.0 Moved from “gsf” to “meta”.

Gsf.META_NAME_PRINT_DATE = 'meta:print-date'

(Gsf.Timestamp) Specifies the date and time when the document was last printed.

Gsf.META_NAME_REVISION_COUNT = 'meta:editing-cycles'

(Integer) Count of revision on the document, if appropriate. Moved from gsf:revision-count to meta:editing-cycles. This way can be used correctly by OpenDocument and Gnumeric.

Gsf.META_NAME_SCALE = 'gsf:scale'

(Boolean) ?????

Gsf.META_NAME_SECURITY = 'gsf:security'

(Integer) Level of security.


None0 Password protected1 Read-only recommended2 Read-only enforced3 Locked for annotations4

Gsf.META_NAME_SLIDE_COUNT = 'gsf:slide-count'

(Integer) Count of slides in the presentation document.

Gsf.META_NAME_SPREADSHEET_COUNT = 'gsf:spreadsheet-count'

(Integer) Count of pages in the document, if appropriate.

Gsf.META_NAME_STATUS = 'gsf:content-status'

(String) Current status of the content. Can be related to signature or user set in the document.

Gsf.META_NAME_SUBJECT = 'dc:subject'

(String) The topic of the content of the resource, typically including keywords.

Gsf.META_NAME_TABLE_COUNT = 'gsf:table-count'

(Integer) Count of tables in the document, if appropriate.

Gsf.META_NAME_TEMPLATE = 'meta:template'

(String) The template file that is been used to generate this document.

1.14.0 Moved from “gsf” to “meta”

Gsf.META_NAME_THUMBNAIL = 'gsf:thumbnail'

(Gsf.ClipData) Thumbnail data of the document, typically a preview image of the document.

Gsf.META_NAME_TITLE = 'dc:title'

(String) A formal name given to the resource.

Gsf.META_NAME_WORD_COUNT = 'gsf:word-count'

(Integer) Count of words in the document.