








The applied rate is the rate that has been applied to the stream. The effective/resulting playback rate of a stream is rate * applied_rate. The applied rate can be set by source elements when a server is sending the stream with an already modified playback speed rate. Filter elements that modify the stream in a way that modifies the playback speed should also modify the applied rate. For example the #videorate element when its #videorate:rate property is set will set the applied rate of the segment it pushed downstream. Also #scaletempo applies the input segment rate to the stream and outputs a segment with rate=1.0 and applied_rate=<inputsegment.rate>.




the running time (plus elapsed time, see offset) of the segment start (stop if rate < 0.0).




the duration of the segment is the maximum absolute difference between Gst.Segment.start and Gst.Segment.stop if stop is not set, otherwise it should be the difference between those two values. This should be set by elements that know the overall stream duration (like demuxers) and will be used when seeking with Gst.SeekType.END.




flags for this segment




the unit used for all of the segment’s values.




the offset expresses the elapsed time (in buffer timestamps) before a seek with its start (stop if rate < 0.0) seek type set to Gst.SeekType.NONE, the value is set to the position of the segment at the time of the seek.




the buffer timestamp position in the segment is supposed to be updated by elements such as sources, demuxers or parsers to track progress by setting it to the last pushed buffer’ end time (timestamp + Gst.Buffer.duration) for that specific segment. The position is used when reconfiguring the segment with Gst.Segment.do_seek when the seek is only updating the segment (see offset).




the playback rate of the segment is set in response to a seek event and, without any seek, the value should be 1.0. This value is used by elements that synchronize buffer running times on the clock (usually the sink elements), leading to consuming buffers faster (for a value > 1.0) or slower (for 0.0 <                value < 1.0) than normal playback speed. The rate also defines the playback direction, meaning that when the value is lower than 0.0, the playback happens in reverse, and the stream-time is going backward. The rate value should never be 0.0.




the start time of the segment (in buffer timestamps) (PTS), that is the timestamp of the first buffer to output inside the segment (last one during reverse playback). For example decoders will clip out the buffers before the start time.




the stop time of the segment (in buffer timestamps) (PTS), that is the timestamp of the last buffer to output inside the segment (first one during reverse playback). For example decoders will clip out buffers after the stop time.




the stream time of the segment start (stop if rate < 0.0).



new ()

clip (format, start, stop)

copy ()

copy_into (dest)

do_seek (rate, format, flags, start_type, start, stop_type, stop)

free ()

init (format)

is_equal (s1)

offset_running_time (format, offset)

position_from_running_time (format, running_time)

position_from_running_time_full (format, running_time)

position_from_stream_time (format, stream_time)

position_from_stream_time_full (format, stream_time)

set_running_time (format, running_time)

to_position (format, running_time)

to_running_time (format, position)

to_running_time_full (format, position)

to_stream_time (format, position)

to_stream_time_full (format, position)


class Gst.Segment

This helper structure holds the relevant values for tracking the region of interest in a media file, called a segment.

The structure can be used for two purposes:

  • performing seeks (handling seek events)

  • tracking playback regions (handling newsegment events)

The segment is usually configured by the application with a seek event which is propagated upstream and eventually handled by an element that performs the seek.

The configured segment is then propagated back downstream with a newsegment event. This information is then used to clip media to the segment boundaries.

A segment structure is initialized with Gst.Segment.init(), which takes a Gst.Format that will be used as the format of the segment values. The segment will be configured with a start value of 0 and a stop/duration of -1, which is undefined. The default rate and applied_rate is 1.0.

The public duration field contains the duration of the segment. When using the segment for seeking, the start and time members should normally be left to their default 0 value. The stop position is left to -1 unless explicitly configured to a different value after a seek event.

The current position in the segment should be set by changing the position member in the structure.

For elements that perform seeks, the current segment should be updated with the Gst.Segment.do_seek() and the values from the seek event. This method will update all the segment fields. The position field will contain the new playback position. If the start_type was different from Gst.SeekType.NONE, playback continues from the position position, possibly with updated flags or rate.

For elements that want to use Gst.Segment to track the playback region, update the segment fields with the information from the newsegment event. The Gst.Segment.clip() method can be used to check and clip the media data to the segment boundaries.

For elements that want to synchronize to the pipeline clock, Gst.Segment.to_running_time() can be used to convert a timestamp to a value that can be used to synchronize to the clock. This function takes into account the base as well as any rate or applied_rate conversions.

For elements that need to perform operations on media data in stream_time, Gst.Segment.to_stream_time() can be used to convert a timestamp and the segment info to stream time (which is always between 0 and the duration of the stream).

classmethod new()[source]

a new Gst.Segment, free with

Return type:


Allocate a new Gst.Segment structure and initialize it using Gst.Segment.init().


clip(format, start, stop)[source]
  • format (Gst.Format) – the format of the segment.

  • start (int) – the start position in the segment

  • stop (int) – the stop position in the segment


True if the given start and stop times fall partially or completely in self, False if the values are completely outside of the segment.


the clipped start position in the segment


the clipped stop position in the segment

Return type:

(bool, clip_start: int, clip_stop: int)

Clip the given start and stop values to the segment boundaries given in self. start and stop are compared and clipped to self start and stop values.

If the function returns False, start and stop are known to fall outside of self and clip_start and clip_stop are not updated.

When the function returns True, clip_start and clip_stop will be updated. If clip_start or clip_stop are different from start or stop respectively, the region fell partially in the segment.

Note that when stop is -1, clip_stop will be set to the end of the segment. Depending on the use case, this may or may not be what you want.


a new Gst.Segment, free with

Return type:


Create a copy of given self.



dest (Gst.Segment) – a Gst.Segment

Copy the contents of self into dest.

do_seek(rate, format, flags, start_type, start, stop_type, stop)[source]
  • rate (float) – the rate of the segment.

  • format (Gst.Format) – the format of the segment.

  • flags (Gst.SeekFlags) – the segment flags for the segment

  • start_type (Gst.SeekType) – the seek method

  • start (int) – the seek start value

  • stop_type (Gst.SeekType) – the seek method

  • stop (int) – the seek stop value


True if the seek could be performed.


boolean holding whether position was updated.

Return type:

(bool, update: bool)

Update the segment structure with the field values of a seek event (see Gst.Event.new_seek()).

After calling this method, the segment field position and time will contain the requested new position in the segment. The new requested position in the segment depends on rate and start_type and stop_type.

For positive rate, the new position in the segment is the new self start field when it was updated with a start_type different from Gst.SeekType.NONE. If no update was performed on self start position (Gst.SeekType.NONE), start is ignored and self position is unmodified.

For negative rate, the new position in the segment is the new self stop field when it was updated with a stop_type different from Gst.SeekType.NONE. If no stop was previously configured in the segment, the duration of the segment will be used to update the stop position. If no update was performed on self stop position (Gst.SeekType.NONE), stop is ignored and self position is unmodified.

The applied rate of the segment will be set to 1.0 by default. If the caller can apply a rate change, it should update self rate and applied_rate after calling this function.

update will be set to True if a seek should be performed to the segment position field. This field can be False if, for example, only the rate has been changed but not the playback position.


Free the allocated segment self.


format (Gst.Format) – the format of the segment.

The start/position fields are set to 0 and the stop/duration fields are set to -1 (unknown). The default rate of 1.0 and no flags are set.

Initialize self to its default values.


s1 (Gst.Segment) – a Gst.Segment structure.


True if the segments are equal, False otherwise.

Return type:


Checks for two segments being equal. Equality here is defined as perfect equality, including floating point values.

New in version 1.6.

offset_running_time(format, offset)[source]
  • format (Gst.Format) – the format of the segment.

  • offset (int) – the offset to apply in the segment


True if the segment could be updated successfully. If False is returned, offset is not in self.

Return type:


Adjust the values in self so that offset is applied to all future running-time calculations.

New in version 1.2.3.

position_from_running_time(format, running_time)[source]
  • format (Gst.Format) – the format of the segment.

  • running_time (int) – the running_time in the segment


the position in the segment for running_time. This function returns -1 when running_time is -1 or when it is not inside self.

Return type:


Convert running_time into a position in the segment so that Gst.Segment.to_running_time() with that position returns running_time.

New in version 1.8.

position_from_running_time_full(format, running_time)[source]
  • format (Gst.Format) – the format of the segment.

  • running_time (int) – the running-time


a 1 or -1 on success, 0 on failure.


the resulting position in the segment

Return type:

(int, position: int)

Translate running_time to the segment position using the currently configured segment. Compared to Gst.Segment.position_from_running_time() this function can return negative segment position.

This function is typically used by elements that need to synchronize buffers against the clock or each other.

running_time can be any value and the result of this function for values outside of the segment is extrapolated.

When 1 is returned, running_time resulted in a positive position returned in position.

When this function returns -1, the returned position was < 0, and the value in the position variable should be negated to get the real negative segment position.

New in version 1.8.

position_from_stream_time(format, stream_time)[source]
  • format (Gst.Format) – the format of the segment.

  • stream_time (int) – the stream_time in the segment


the position in the segment for stream_time. This function returns -1 when stream_time is -1 or when it is not inside self.

Return type:


Convert stream_time into a position in the segment so that Gst.Segment.to_stream_time() with that position returns stream_time.

New in version 1.8.

position_from_stream_time_full(format, stream_time)[source]
  • format (Gst.Format) – the format of the segment.

  • stream_time (int) – the stream-time


a 1 or -1 on success, 0 on failure.


the resulting position in the segment

Return type:

(int, position: int)

Translate stream_time to the segment position using the currently configured segment. Compared to Gst.Segment.position_from_stream_time() this function can return negative segment position.

This function is typically used by elements that need to synchronize buffers against the clock or each other.

stream_time can be any value and the result of this function for values outside of the segment is extrapolated.

When 1 is returned, stream_time resulted in a positive position returned in position.

When this function returns -1, the returned position should be negated to get the real negative segment position.

New in version 1.8.

set_running_time(format, running_time)[source]
  • format (Gst.Format) – the format of the segment.

  • running_time (int) – the running_time in the segment


True if the segment could be updated successfully. If False is returned, running_time is -1 or not in self.

Return type:


Adjust the start/stop and base values of self such that the next valid buffer will be one with running_time.

to_position(format, running_time)[source]
  • format (Gst.Format) – the format of the segment.

  • running_time (int) – the running_time in the segment


the position in the segment for running_time. This function returns -1 when running_time is -1 or when it is not inside self.

Return type:


Convert running_time into a position in the segment so that Gst.Segment.to_running_time() with that position returns running_time.

Deprecated since version ???: Use Gst.Segment.position_from_running_time() instead.

to_running_time(format, position)[source]
  • format (Gst.Format) – the format of the segment.

  • position (int) – the position in the segment


the position as the total running time or -1 when an invalid position was given.

Return type:


Translate position to the total running time using the currently configured segment. Position is a value between self start and stop time.

This function is typically used by elements that need to synchronize to the global clock in a pipeline. The running time is a constantly increasing value starting from 0. When Gst.Segment.init() is called, this value will reset to 0.

This function returns -1 if the position is outside of self start and stop.

to_running_time_full(format, position)[source]
  • format (Gst.Format) – the format of the segment.

  • position (int) – the position in the segment


a 1 or -1 on success, 0 on failure.


result running-time

Return type:

(int, running_time: int)

Translate position to the total running time using the currently configured segment. Compared to Gst.Segment.to_running_time() this function can return negative running-time.

This function is typically used by elements that need to synchronize buffers against the clock or each other.

position can be any value and the result of this function for values outside of the segment is extrapolated.

When 1 is returned, position resulted in a positive running-time returned in running_time.

When this function returns -1, the returned running_time should be negated to get the real negative running time.

New in version 1.6.

to_stream_time(format, position)[source]
  • format (Gst.Format) – the format of the segment.

  • position (int) – the position in the segment


the position in stream_time or -1 when an invalid position was given.

Return type:


Translate position to stream time using the currently configured segment. The position value must be between self start and stop value.

This function is typically used by elements that need to operate on the stream time of the buffers it receives, such as effect plugins. In those use cases, position is typically the buffer timestamp or clock time that one wants to convert to the stream time. The stream time is always between 0 and the total duration of the media stream.

New in version 1.8.

to_stream_time_full(format, position)[source]
  • format (Gst.Format) – the format of the segment.

  • position (int) – the position in the segment


a 1 or -1 on success, 0 on failure.


result stream-time

Return type:

(int, stream_time: int)

Translate position to the total stream time using the currently configured segment. Compared to Gst.Segment.to_stream_time() this function can return negative stream-time.

This function is typically used by elements that need to synchronize buffers against the clock or each other.

position can be any value and the result of this function for values outside of the segment is extrapolated.

When 1 is returned, position resulted in a positive stream-time returned in stream_time.

When this function returns -1, the returned stream_time should be negated to get the real negative stream time.

New in version 1.8.