
PtpStatisticsCallback (domain, stats, *user_data)


GstNet.PtpStatisticsCallback(domain, stats, *user_data)
Return type:


The statistics can be the following structures:

GstNet.PTP_STATISTICS_NEW_DOMAIN_FOUND: “domain” GObject.TYPE_UINT The domain identifier of the domain “clock” GST_TYPE_CLOCK The internal clock that is slaved to the PTP domain

GstNet.PTP_STATISTICS_BEST_MASTER_CLOCK_SELECTED: “domain” GObject.TYPE_UINT The domain identifier of the domain “master-clock-id” GObject.TYPE_UINT64 PTP clock identifier of the selected master clock “master-clock-port” GObject.TYPE_UINT PTP port number of the selected master clock “grandmaster-clock-id” GObject.TYPE_UINT64 PTP clock identifier of the grandmaster clock

GstNet.PTP_STATISTICS_PATH_DELAY_MEASURED: “domain” GObject.TYPE_UINT The domain identifier of the domain “mean-path-delay-avg” GST_TYPE_CLOCK_TIME Average mean path delay “mean-path-delay” GST_TYPE_CLOCK_TIME Latest mean path delay “delay-request-delay” GST_TYPE_CLOCK_TIME Delay of DELAY_REQ / DELAY_RESP messages

GstNet.PTP_STATISTICS_TIME_UPDATED: “domain” GObject.TYPE_UINT The domain identifier of the domain “mean-path-delay-avg” GST_TYPE_CLOCK_TIME Average mean path delay “local-time” GST_TYPE_CLOCK_TIME Local time that corresponds to ptp-time “ptp-time” GST_TYPE_CLOCK_TIME Newly measured PTP time at local-time “estimated-ptp-time” GST_TYPE_CLOCK_TIME Estimated PTP time based on previous measurements “discontinuity” GObject.TYPE_INT64 Difference between estimated and measured PTP time “synced” GObject.TYPE_BOOLEAN Currently synced to the remote clock “r-squared” GObject.TYPE_DOUBLE R² of clock estimation regression “internal-time” GST_TYPE_CLOCK_TIME Internal time clock parameter “external-time” GST_TYPE_CLOCK_TIME External time clock parameter “rate-num” GObject.TYPE_UINT64 Internal/external rate numerator “rate-den” GObject.TYPE_UINT64 Internal/external rate denominator “rate” GObject.TYPE_DOUBLE Internal/external rate

If False is returned, the callback is removed and never called again.