

class GstVideo.AncillaryMetaField(value)

Bases: GObject.GEnum

Location of a GstAncillaryMeta.

New in version 1.24.


Progressive or no field specified (default)


Interlaced first field


Interlaced second field

class GstVideo.ColorBalanceType(value)

Bases: GObject.GEnum

An enumeration indicating whether an element implements color balancing operations in software or in dedicated hardware. In general, dedicated hardware implementations (such as those provided by xvimagesink) are preferred.


Color balance is implemented with dedicated hardware.


Color balance is implemented via software processing.

class GstVideo.NavigationCommand(value)

Bases: GObject.GEnum

A set of commands that may be issued to an element providing the GstVideo.Navigation interface. The available commands can be queried via the GstVideo.Navigation.query_new_commands() query.

For convenience in handling DVD navigation, the MENU commands are aliased as: GST_NAVIGATION_COMMAND_DVD_MENU = GstVideo.NavigationCommand.MENU1 GST_NAVIGATION_COMMAND_DVD_TITLE_MENU = GstVideo.NavigationCommand.MENU2 GST_NAVIGATION_COMMAND_DVD_ROOT_MENU = GstVideo.NavigationCommand.MENU3 GST_NAVIGATION_COMMAND_DVD_SUBPICTURE_MENU = GstVideo.NavigationCommand.MENU4 GST_NAVIGATION_COMMAND_DVD_AUDIO_MENU = GstVideo.NavigationCommand.MENU5 GST_NAVIGATION_COMMAND_DVD_ANGLE_MENU = GstVideo.NavigationCommand.MENU6 GST_NAVIGATION_COMMAND_DVD_CHAPTER_MENU = GstVideo.NavigationCommand.MENU7


An invalid command entry

MENU1 = 1

Execute navigation menu command 1. For DVD, this enters the DVD root menu, or exits back to the title from the menu.

MENU2 = 2

Execute navigation menu command 2. For DVD, this jumps to the DVD title menu.

LEFT = 20

Select the next button to the left in a menu, if such a button exists.

RIGHT = 21

Select the next button to the right in a menu, if such a button exists.

UP = 22

Select the button above the current one in a menu, if such a button exists.

DOWN = 23

Select the button below the current one in a menu, if such a button exists.


Activate (click) the currently selected button in a menu, if such a button exists.

MENU3 = 3

Execute navigation menu command 3. For DVD, this jumps into the DVD root menu.


Switch to the previous angle in a multiangle feature.


Switch to the next angle in a multiangle feature.

MENU4 = 4

Execute navigation menu command 4. For DVD, this jumps to the Subpicture menu.

MENU5 = 5

Execute navigation menu command 5. For DVD, the jumps to the audio menu.

MENU6 = 6

Execute navigation menu command 6. For DVD, this jumps to the angles menu.

MENU7 = 7

Execute navigation menu command 7. For DVD, this jumps to the chapter menu.

class GstVideo.NavigationEventType(value)

Bases: GObject.GEnum

Enum values for the various events that an element implementing the GstVideo.Navigation interface might send up the pipeline. Touch events have been inspired by the libinput API, and have the same meaning here.


Returned from GstVideo.Navigation.event_get_type() when the passed event is not a navigation event.


A key press event. Use GstVideo.Navigation.event_parse_key_event() to extract the details from the event.


An event describing a removed touch point. After this event, its identifier may be reused for any new touch points. Use GstVideo.Navigation.event_parse_touch_up_event() to extract the details from the event.

New in version 1.22.


An event signaling the end of a sequence of simultaneous touch events.

New in version 1.22.


An event cancelling all currently active touch points.

New in version 1.22.


A key release event. Use GstVideo.Navigation.event_parse_key_event() to extract the details from the event.


A mouse button press event. Use GstVideo.Navigation.event_parse_mouse_button_event() to extract the details from the event.


A mouse button release event. Use GstVideo.Navigation.event_parse_mouse_button_event() to extract the details from the event.


A mouse movement event. Use GstVideo.Navigation.event_parse_mouse_move_event() to extract the details from the event.


A navigation command event. Use GstVideo.Navigation.event_parse_command() to extract the details from the event.


A mouse scroll event. Use GstVideo.Navigation.event_parse_mouse_scroll_event() to extract the details from the event.

New in version 1.18.


An event describing a new touch point, which will be assigned an identifier that is unique to it for the duration of its movement on the screen. Use GstVideo.Navigation.event_parse_touch_event() to extract the details from the event.

New in version 1.22.


An event describing the movement of an active touch point across the screen. Use GstVideo.Navigation.event_parse_touch_event() to extract the details from the event.

New in version 1.22.

class GstVideo.NavigationMessageType(value)

Bases: GObject.GEnum

A set of notifications that may be received on the bus when navigation related status changes.


Returned from GstVideo.Navigation.message_get_type() when the passed message is not a navigation message.


Sent when the mouse moves over or leaves a clickable region of the output, such as a DVD menu button.


Sent when the set of available commands changes and should re-queried by interested applications.


Sent when display angles in a multi-angle feature (such as a multiangle DVD) change - either angles have appeared or disappeared.


Sent when a navigation event was not handled by any element in the pipeline

New in version 1.6.

class GstVideo.NavigationQueryType(value)

Bases: GObject.GEnum

Types of navigation interface queries.


invalid query


command query


viewing angle query

class GstVideo.VideoAFDSpec(value)

Bases: GObject.GEnum

Enumeration of the different standards that may apply to AFD data:

0) ETSI/DVB: https://www.etsi.org/deliver/etsi_ts/101100_101199/101154/02.01.01_60/ts_101154v020101p.pdf

1) ATSC A/53: https://www.atsc.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/a_53-Part-4-2009.pdf

  1. SMPTE ST2016-1:

New in version 1.18.


AFD value is from DVB/ETSI standard

ATSC_A53 = 1

AFD value is from ATSC A/53 standard

SMPTE_ST2016_1 = 2
class GstVideo.VideoAFDValue(value)

Bases: GObject.GEnum

Enumeration of the various values for Active Format Description (AFD)

AFD should be included in video user data whenever the rectangular picture area containing useful information does not extend to the full height or width of the coded frame. AFD data may also be included in user data when the rectangular picture area containing useful information extends to the full height and width of the coded frame.

For details, see Table 6.14 Active Format in:

ATSC Digital Television Standard: Part 4 – MPEG-2 Video System Characteristics


and Active Format Description in Complete list of AFD codes


and SMPTE ST2016-1


1) AFD 0 is undefined for ATSC and SMPTE ST2016-1, indicating that AFD data is not available: If Bar Data is not present, AFD ‘0000’ indicates that exact information is not available and the active image should be assumed to be the same as the coded frame. AFD ‘0000’. AFD ‘0000’ accompanied by Bar Data signals that the active image’s aspect ratio is narrower than 16:9, but is not 4:3 or 14:9. As the exact aspect ratio cannot be conveyed by AFD alone, wherever possible, AFD ‘0000’ should be accompanied by Bar Data to define the exact vertical or horizontal extent of the active image. 2) AFD 0 is reserved for DVB/ETSI 3) values 1, 5, 6, 7, and 12 are reserved for both ATSC and DVB/ETSI 4) values 2 and 3 are not recommended for ATSC, but are valid for DVB/ETSI

New in version 1.18.


Unavailable (see note 0 below).

16_9_LETTER_16_9_FULL = 10
_16_9_LETTER_16_9_FULL = 10

For 4:3 coded frame, letterbox 16:9 image, vertically centered in the coded frame with all image areas protected. For 16:9 coded frame, full frame 16:9 image, with all image areas protected.

14_9_LETTER_14_9_PILLAR = 11
_14_9_LETTER_14_9_PILLAR = 11

For 4:3 coded frame, letterbox 14:9 image, vertically centered in the coded frame. For 16:9 coded frame, pillarbox 14:9 image, horizontally centered in the coded frame.

4_3_FULL_14_9_CENTER = 13
_4_3_FULL_14_9_CENTER = 13

For 4:3 coded frame, full frame 4:3 image, with alternative 14:9 center. For 16:9 coded frame, pillarbox 4:3 image, with alternative 14:9 center.

16_9_LETTER_14_9_CENTER = 14
_16_9_LETTER_14_9_CENTER = 14

For 4:3 coded frame, letterbox 16:9 image, with alternative 14:9 center. For 16:9 coded frame, full frame 16:9 image, with alternative 14:9 center.

16_9_LETTER_4_3_CENTER = 15
_16_9_LETTER_4_3_CENTER = 15

For 4:3 coded frame, letterbox 16:9 image, with alternative 4:3 center. For 16:9 coded frame, full frame 16:9 image, with alternative 4:3 center.

16_9_TOP_ALIGNED = 2
_16_9_TOP_ALIGNED = 2

For 4:3 coded frame, letterbox 16:9 image, at top of the coded frame. For 16:9 coded frame, full frame 16:9 image, the same as the coded frame.

14_9_TOP_ALIGNED = 3
_14_9_TOP_ALIGNED = 3

For 4:3 coded frame, letterbox 14:9 image, at top of the coded frame. For 16:9 coded frame, pillarbox 14:9 image, horizontally centered in the coded frame.


For 4:3 coded frame, letterbox image with an aspect ratio greater than 16:9, vertically centered in the coded frame. For 16:9 coded frame, letterbox image with an aspect ratio greater than 16:9.

4_3_FULL_16_9_FULL = 8
_4_3_FULL_16_9_FULL = 8

For 4:3 coded frame, full frame 4:3 image, the same as the coded frame. For 16:9 coded frame, full frame 16:9 image, the same as the coded frame.

4_3_FULL_4_3_PILLAR = 9
_4_3_FULL_4_3_PILLAR = 9

For 4:3 coded frame, full frame 4:3 image, the same as the coded frame. For 16:9 coded frame, pillarbox 4:3 image, horizontally centered in the coded frame.

class GstVideo.VideoAlphaMode(value)

Bases: GObject.GEnum

Different alpha modes.

New in version 1.6.

COPY = 0

When input and output have alpha, it will be copied. When the input has no alpha, alpha will be set to GstVideo.VIDEO_CONVERTER_OPT_ALPHA_VALUE

SET = 1


MULT = 2

multiply all alpha with GstVideo.VIDEO_CONVERTER_OPT_ALPHA_VALUE. When the input format has no alpha but the output format has, the alpha value will be set to GstVideo.VIDEO_CONVERTER_OPT_ALPHA_VALUE

class GstVideo.VideoAncillaryDID(value)

Bases: GObject.GEnum

New in version 1.16.

class GstVideo.VideoAncillaryDID16(value)

Bases: GObject.GEnum

Some know types of Ancillary Data identifiers.

New in version 1.16.

S2016_3_AFD_BAR = 16645

AFD/Bar Ancillary data according to SMPTE 2016-3

New in version 1.18.

S334_EIA_708 = 24833

CEA 708 Ancillary data according to SMPTE 334

S334_EIA_608 = 24834

CEA 608 Ancillary data according to SMPTE 334

class GstVideo.VideoCaptionType(value)

Bases: GObject.GEnum

The various known types of Closed Caption (CC).

New in version 1.16.

classmethod from_caps(caps)[source]

caps (Gst.Caps) – Fixed Gst.Caps to parse



Return type:


Parses fixed Closed Caption Gst.Caps and returns the corresponding caption type, or GstVideo.VideoCaptionType.UNKNOWN.

New in version 1.16.

classmethod to_caps(type)[source]

type (GstVideo.VideoCaptionType) – GstVideo.VideoCaptionType


new Gst.Caps

Return type:


Creates new caps corresponding to type.

New in version 1.16.


Unknown type of CC

CEA608_RAW = 1

CEA-608 as byte pairs. Note that this format is not recommended since is does not specify to which field the caption comes from and therefore assumes it comes from the first field (and that there is no information on the second field). Use GstVideo.VideoCaptionType.CEA708_RAW if you wish to store CEA-608 from two fields and prefix each byte pair with 0xFC for the first field and 0xFD for the second field.

CEA608_S334_1A = 2

CEA-608 as byte triplets as defined in SMPTE S334-1 Annex A. The second and third byte of the byte triplet is the raw CEA608 data, the first byte is a bitfield: The top/7th bit is 0 for the second field, 1 for the first field, bit 6 and 5 are 0 and bits 4 to 0 are a 5 bit unsigned integer that represents the line offset relative to the base-line of the original image format (line 9 for 525-line field 1, line 272 for 525-line field 2, line 5 for 625-line field 1 and line 318 for 625-line field 2).

CEA708_RAW = 3

CEA-708 as cc_data byte triplets. They can also contain 608-in-708 and the first byte of each triplet has to be inspected for detecting the type.

CEA708_CDP = 4

CEA-708 (and optionally CEA-608) in a CDP (Caption Distribution Packet) defined by SMPTE S-334-2. Contains the whole CDP (starting with 0x9669).

class GstVideo.VideoChromaMethod(value)

Bases: GObject.GEnum

Different subsampling and upsampling methods


Duplicates the chroma samples when upsampling and drops when subsampling


Uses linear interpolation to reconstruct missing chroma and averaging to subsample

class GstVideo.VideoChromaMode(value)

Bases: GObject.GEnum

Different chroma downsampling and upsampling modes

New in version 1.6.

FULL = 0

do full chroma up and down sampling


only perform chroma upsampling


only perform chroma downsampling

NONE = 3

disable chroma resampling

class GstVideo.VideoColorMatrix(value)

Bases: GObject.GEnum

The color matrix is used to convert between Y’PbPr and non-linear RGB (R’G’B’)

classmethod from_iso(value)[source]

value (int) – a ITU-T H.273 matrix coefficients value


the matched GstVideo.VideoColorMatrix

Return type:


Converts the value to the GstVideo.VideoColorMatrix The matrix coefficients (MatrixCoefficients) value is defined by “ISO/IEC 23001-8 Section 7.3 Table 4” and “ITU-T H.273 Table 4”. “H.264 Table E-5” and “H.265 Table E.5” share the identical values.

New in version 1.18.

classmethod get_Kr_Kb(matrix)[source]

matrix (GstVideo.VideoColorMatrix) – a GstVideo.VideoColorMatrix


True if matrix was a YUV color format and Kr and Kb contain valid values.


result red channel coefficient


result blue channel coefficient

Return type:

(bool, Kr: float, Kb: float)

Get the coefficients used to convert between Y’PbPr and R’G’B’ using matrix.


0.0 <= [Y',R',G',B'] <= 1.0)
(-0.5 <= [Pb,Pr] <= 0.5)

the general conversion is given by:

Y' = Kr*R' + (1-Kr-Kb)*G' + Kb*B'
Pb = (B'-Y')/(2*(1-Kb))
Pr = (R'-Y')/(2*(1-Kr))

and the other way around:

R' = Y' + Cr*2*(1-Kr)
G' = Y' - Cb*2*(1-Kb)*Kb/(1-Kr-Kb) - Cr*2*(1-Kr)*Kr/(1-Kr-Kb)
B' = Y' + Cb*2*(1-Kb)

New in version 1.6.

classmethod to_iso(matrix)[source]

matrix (GstVideo.VideoColorMatrix) – a GstVideo.VideoColorMatrix


The value of ISO/IEC 23001-8 matrix coefficients.

Return type:


Converts GstVideo.VideoColorMatrix to the “matrix coefficients” (MatrixCoefficients) value defined by “ISO/IEC 23001-8 Section 7.3 Table 4” and “ITU-T H.273 Table 4”. “H.264 Table E-5” and “H.265 Table E.5” share the identical values.

New in version 1.18.


unknown matrix

RGB = 1

identity matrix. Order of coefficients is actually GBR, also IEC 61966-2-1 (sRGB)

FCC = 2

FCC Title 47 Code of Federal Regulations 73.682 (a)(20)

BT709 = 3

ITU-R BT.709 color matrix, also ITU-R BT1361 / IEC 61966-2-4 xvYCC709 / SMPTE RP177 Annex B

BT601 = 4

ITU-R BT.601 color matrix, also SMPTE170M / ITU-R BT1358 525 / ITU-R BT1700 NTSC

SMPTE240M = 5

SMPTE 240M color matrix

BT2020 = 6

ITU-R BT.2020 color matrix.

New in version 1.6.

class GstVideo.VideoColorPrimaries(value)

Bases: GObject.GEnum

The color primaries define the how to transform linear RGB values to and from the CIE XYZ colorspace.

classmethod from_iso(value)[source]

value (int) – a ITU-T H.273 colour primaries value


the matched GstVideo.VideoColorPrimaries

Return type:


Converts the value to the GstVideo.VideoColorPrimaries The colour primaries (ColourPrimaries) value is defined by “ISO/IEC 23001-8 Section 7.1 Table 2” and “ITU-T H.273 Table 2”. “H.264 Table E-3” and “H.265 Table E.3” share the identical values.

New in version 1.18.

classmethod get_info(primaries)[source]

primaries (GstVideo.VideoColorPrimaries) – a GstVideo.VideoColorPrimaries


a GstVideo.VideoColorPrimariesInfo for primaries.

Return type:


Get information about the chromaticity coordinates of primaries.

New in version 1.6.

classmethod is_equivalent(primaries, other)[source]

True if primaries and other can be considered equivalent.

Return type:


Checks whether primaries and other are functionally equivalent

New in version 1.22.

classmethod to_iso(primaries)[source]

primaries (GstVideo.VideoColorPrimaries) – a GstVideo.VideoColorPrimaries


The value of ISO/IEC 23001-8 colour primaries.

Return type:


Converts GstVideo.VideoColorPrimaries to the “colour primaries” (ColourPrimaries) value defined by “ISO/IEC 23001-8 Section 7.1 Table 2” and “ITU-T H.273 Table 2”. “H.264 Table E-3” and “H.265 Table E.3” share the identical values.

New in version 1.18.


unknown color primaries

BT709 = 1

BT709 primaries, also ITU-R BT1361 / IEC 61966-2-4 / SMPTE RP177 Annex B

SMPTERP431 = 10

SMPTE RP 431 primaries (ST 431-2 (2011) / DCI P3).

New in version 1.16.

SMPTEEG432 = 11

SMPTE EG 432 primaries (ST 432-1 (2010) / P3 D65).

New in version 1.16.

EBU3213 = 12

EBU 3213 primaries (JEDEC P22 phosphors).

New in version 1.16.

BT470M = 2

BT470M primaries, also FCC Title 47 Code of Federal Regulations 73.682 (a)(20)

BT470BG = 3

BT470BG primaries, also ITU-R BT601-6 625 / ITU-R BT1358 625 / ITU-R BT1700 625 PAL & SECAM

SMPTE170M = 4

SMPTE170M primaries, also ITU-R BT601-6 525 / ITU-R BT1358 525 / ITU-R BT1700 NTSC

SMPTE240M = 5

SMPTE240M primaries

FILM = 6

Generic film (colour filters using Illuminant C)

BT2020 = 7

ITU-R BT2020 primaries.

New in version 1.6.


Adobe RGB primaries.

New in version 1.8.

SMPTEST428 = 9

SMPTE ST 428 primaries (CIE 1931 XYZ).

New in version 1.16.

class GstVideo.VideoColorRange(value)

Bases: GObject.GEnum

Possible color range values. These constants are defined for 8 bit color values and can be scaled for other bit depths.

classmethod offsets(range, info)[source]


output offsets


output scale

Return type:

(offset: [int], scale: [int])

Compute the offset and scale values for each component of info. For each component, (c[i] - offset[i]) / scale[i] will scale the component c[i] to the range [0.0 .. 1.0].

The reverse operation (c[i] * scale[i]) + offset[i] can be used to convert the component values in range [0.0 .. 1.0] back to their representation in info and range.


unknown range

0_255 = 1
_0_255 = 1

[0..255] for 8 bit components

16_235 = 2
_16_235 = 2

[16..235] for 8 bit components. Chroma has [16..240] range.

class GstVideo.VideoDitherMethod(value)

Bases: GObject.GEnum

Different dithering methods to use.

NONE = 0

no dithering


propagate rounding errors downwards


Dither with floyd-steinberg error diffusion


Dither with Sierra Lite error diffusion


ordered dither using a bayer pattern

class GstVideo.VideoFieldOrder(value)

Bases: GObject.GEnum

Field order of interlaced content. This is only valid for interlace-mode=interleaved and not interlace-mode=mixed. In the case of mixed or GST_VIDEO_FIELD_ORDER_UNKOWN, the field order is signalled via buffer flags.

New in version 1.12.

classmethod from_string(order)[source]

order (str) – a field order


the GstVideo.VideoFieldOrder of order or GstVideo.VideoFieldOrder.UNKNOWN when order is not a valid string representation for a GstVideo.VideoFieldOrder.

Return type:


Convert order to a GstVideo.VideoFieldOrder

New in version 1.12.

classmethod to_string(order)[source]

order (GstVideo.VideoFieldOrder) – a GstVideo.VideoFieldOrder


order as a string.

Return type:


Convert order to its string representation.

New in version 1.12.


unknown field order for interlaced content. The actual field order is signalled via buffer flags.


top field is first


bottom field is first

class GstVideo.VideoFormat(value)

Bases: GObject.GEnum

Enum value describing the most common video formats.

See the GStreamer raw video format design document for details about the layout and packing of these formats in memory.

classmethod from_fourcc(fourcc)[source]

fourcc (int) – a FOURCC value representing raw YUV video


the GstVideo.VideoFormat describing the FOURCC value

Return type:


Converts a FOURCC value into the corresponding GstVideo.VideoFormat. If the FOURCC cannot be represented by GstVideo.VideoFormat, GstVideo.VideoFormat.UNKNOWN is returned.

classmethod from_masks(depth, bpp, endianness, red_mask, green_mask, blue_mask, alpha_mask)[source]
  • depth (int) – the amount of bits used for a pixel

  • bpp (int) – the amount of bits used to store a pixel. This value is bigger than depth

  • endianness (int) – the endianness of the masks, GLib.LITTLE_ENDIAN or GLib.BIG_ENDIAN

  • red_mask (int) – the red mask

  • green_mask (int) – the green mask

  • blue_mask (int) – the blue mask

  • alpha_mask (int) – the alpha mask, or 0 if no alpha mask


a GstVideo.VideoFormat or GstVideo.VideoFormat.UNKNOWN when the parameters to not specify a known format.

Return type:


Find the GstVideo.VideoFormat for the given parameters.

classmethod from_string(format)[source]

format (str) – a format string


the GstVideo.VideoFormat for format or GstVideo.VideoFormat.UNKNOWN when the string is not a known format.

Return type:


Convert the format string to its GstVideo.VideoFormat.

classmethod get_info(format)[source]

format (GstVideo.VideoFormat) – a GstVideo.VideoFormat


The GstVideo.VideoFormatInfo for format.

Return type:


Get the GstVideo.VideoFormatInfo for format

classmethod get_palette(format)[source]

format (GstVideo.VideoFormat) – a GstVideo.VideoFormat


the default palette of format or None when format does not have a palette.


size of the palette in bytes

Return type:

(object or None, size: int)

Get the default palette of format. This the palette used in the pack function for paletted formats.

New in version 1.2.

classmethod to_fourcc(format)[source]

format (GstVideo.VideoFormat) – a GstVideo.VideoFormat video format


the FOURCC corresponding to format

Return type:


Converts a GstVideo.VideoFormat value into the corresponding FOURCC. Only a few YUV formats have corresponding FOURCC values. If format has no corresponding FOURCC value, 0 is returned.

classmethod to_string(format)[source]

format (GstVideo.VideoFormat) – a GstVideo.VideoFormat video format


the name corresponding to format

Return type:


Returns a string containing a descriptive name for the GstVideo.VideoFormat if there is one, or None otherwise.


Unknown or unset video format id


Encoded video format. Only ever use that in caps for special video formats in combination with non-system memory Gst.CapsFeatures where it does not make sense to specify a real video format.

XBGR = 10

sparse reverse rgb packed into 32 bit, space first

BGRP = 100

Planar 4:4:4 RGB, B-G-R order

New in version 1.20.

AV12 = 101

Planar 4:2:0 YUV with interleaved UV plane with alpha as 3rd plane.

New in version 1.20.

ARGB64_LE = 102

RGB with alpha channel first, 16 bits (little endian) per channel.

New in version 1.20.

ARGB64_BE = 103

RGB with alpha channel first, 16 bits (big endian) per channel.

New in version 1.20.

RGBA64_LE = 104

RGB with alpha channel last, 16 bits (little endian) per channel.

New in version 1.20.

RGBA64_BE = 105

RGB with alpha channel last, 16 bits (big endian) per channel.

New in version 1.20.

BGRA64_LE = 106

Reverse RGB with alpha channel last, 16 bits (little endian) per channel.

New in version 1.20.

BGRA64_BE = 107

Reverse RGB with alpha channel last, 16 bits (big endian) per channel.

New in version 1.20.

ABGR64_LE = 108

Reverse RGB with alpha channel first, 16 bits (little endian) per channel.

New in version 1.20.

ABGR64_BE = 109

Reverse RGB with alpha channel first, 16 bits (big endian) per channel.

New in version 1.20.

RGBA = 11

rgb with alpha channel last

NV12_16L32S = 110

NV12 with 16x32 Y tiles and 16x16 UV tiles.

New in version 1.22.

NV12_8L128 = 111

NV12 with 8x128 tiles in linear order.

New in version 1.22.

NV12_10BE_8L128 = 112

NV12 10bit big endian with 8x128 tiles in linear order.

New in version 1.22.

NV12_10LE40_4L4 = 113

GstVideo.VideoFormat.NV12_10LE40 with 4x4 pixels tiles (5 bytes per tile row). This format is produced by Verisilicon/Hantro decoders.

New in version 1.24.

DMA_DRM = 114

GstVideo.VideoFormat.DMA_DRM represent the DMA DRM special format. It’s only used with memory:DMABuf Gst.CapsFeatures, where an extra parameter (drm-format) is required to define the image format and its memory layout.

New in version 1.24.

MT2110T = 115

Mediatek 10bit NV12 little endian with 16x32 tiles in linear order, tile 2 bits.

New in version 1.24.

MT2110R = 116

Mediatek 10bit NV12 little endian with 16x32 tiles in linear order, raster 2 bits.

New in version 1.24.

A422 = 117

planar 4:4:2:2 YUV, 8 bits per channel

New in version 1.24.

A444 = 118

planar 4:4:4:4 YUV, 8 bits per channel

New in version 1.24.

A444_12LE = 119

planar 4:4:4:4 YUV, 12 bits per channel

New in version 1.24.

BGRA = 12

reverse rgb with alpha channel last

A444_12BE = 120

planar 4:4:4:4 YUV, 12 bits per channel

New in version 1.24.

A422_12LE = 121

planar 4:4:2:2 YUV, 12 bits per channel

New in version 1.24.

A422_12BE = 122

planar 4:4:2:2 YUV, 12 bits per channel

New in version 1.24.

A420_12LE = 123

planar 4:4:2:0 YUV, 12 bits per channel

New in version 1.24.

A420_12BE = 124

planar 4:4:2:0 YUV, 12 bits per channel

New in version 1.24.

A444_16LE = 125

planar 4:4:4:4 YUV, 16 bits per channel

New in version 1.24.

A444_16BE = 126

planar 4:4:4:4 YUV, 16 bits per channel

New in version 1.24.

A422_16LE = 127

planar 4:4:2:2 YUV, 16 bits per channel

New in version 1.24.

A422_16BE = 128

planar 4:4:2:2 YUV, 16 bits per channel

New in version 1.24.

A420_16LE = 129

planar 4:4:2:0 YUV, 16 bits per channel

New in version 1.24.

ARGB = 13

rgb with alpha channel first

A420_16BE = 130

planar 4:4:2:0 YUV, 16 bits per channel

New in version 1.24.

GBR_16LE = 131

planar 4:4:4 RGB, 16 bits per channel

New in version 1.24.

GBR_16BE = 132

planar 4:4:4 RGB, 16 bits per channel

New in version 1.24.

RBGA = 133

packed RGB with alpha, 8 bits per channel

New in version 1.24.

ABGR = 14

reverse rgb with alpha channel first

RGB = 15

RGB packed into 24 bits without padding (R-G-B-R-G-B)

BGR = 16

reverse RGB packed into 24 bits without padding (B-G-R-B-G-R)

Y41B = 17

planar 4:1:1 YUV

Y42B = 18

planar 4:2:2 YUV

YVYU = 19

packed 4:2:2 YUV (Y0-V0-Y1-U0 Y2-V2-Y3-U2 Y4 …)

I420 = 2

planar 4:2:0 YUV

Y444 = 20

planar 4:4:4 YUV

V210 = 21

packed 4:2:2 10-bit YUV, complex format

V216 = 22

packed 4:2:2 16-bit YUV, Y0-U0-Y1-V1 order

NV12 = 23

planar 4:2:0 YUV with interleaved UV plane

NV21 = 24

planar 4:2:0 YUV with interleaved VU plane

GRAY8 = 25

8-bit grayscale

GRAY16_BE = 26

16-bit grayscale, most significant byte first

GRAY16_LE = 27

16-bit grayscale, least significant byte first

V308 = 28

packed 4:4:4 YUV (Y-U-V …)

RGB16 = 29

rgb 5-6-5 bits per component

YV12 = 3

planar 4:2:0 YVU (like I420 but UV planes swapped)

BGR16 = 30

reverse rgb 5-6-5 bits per component

RGB15 = 31

rgb 5-5-5 bits per component

BGR15 = 32

reverse rgb 5-5-5 bits per component

UYVP = 33

packed 10-bit 4:2:2 YUV (U0-Y0-V0-Y1 U2-Y2-V2-Y3 U4 …)

A420 = 34

planar 4:4:2:0 AYUV

RGB8P = 35

8-bit paletted RGB

YUV9 = 36

planar 4:1:0 YUV

YVU9 = 37

planar 4:1:0 YUV (like YUV9 but UV planes swapped)

IYU1 = 38

packed 4:1:1 YUV (Cb-Y0-Y1-Cr-Y2-Y3 …)

ARGB64 = 39

rgb with alpha channel first, 16 bits (native endianness) per channel

YUY2 = 4

packed 4:2:2 YUV (Y0-U0-Y1-V0 Y2-U2-Y3-V2 Y4 …)

AYUV64 = 40

packed 4:4:4 YUV with alpha channel, 16 bits (native endianness) per channel (A0-Y0-U0-V0 …)

R210 = 41

packed 4:4:4 RGB, 10 bits per channel

I420_10BE = 42

planar 4:2:0 YUV, 10 bits per channel

I420_10LE = 43

planar 4:2:0 YUV, 10 bits per channel

I422_10BE = 44

planar 4:2:2 YUV, 10 bits per channel

I422_10LE = 45

planar 4:2:2 YUV, 10 bits per channel

Y444_10BE = 46

planar 4:4:4 YUV, 10 bits per channel

New in version 1.2.

Y444_10LE = 47

planar 4:4:4 YUV, 10 bits per channel

New in version 1.2.

GBR = 48

planar 4:4:4 RGB, 8 bits per channel

New in version 1.2.

GBR_10BE = 49

planar 4:4:4 RGB, 10 bits per channel

New in version 1.2.

UYVY = 5

packed 4:2:2 YUV (U0-Y0-V0-Y1 U2-Y2-V2-Y3 U4 …)

GBR_10LE = 50

planar 4:4:4 RGB, 10 bits per channel

New in version 1.2.

NV16 = 51

planar 4:2:2 YUV with interleaved UV plane

New in version 1.2.

NV24 = 52

planar 4:4:4 YUV with interleaved UV plane

New in version 1.2.

NV12_64Z32 = 53

NV12 with 64x32 tiling in zigzag pattern

New in version 1.4.

A420_10BE = 54

planar 4:4:2:0 YUV, 10 bits per channel

New in version 1.6.

A420_10LE = 55

planar 4:4:2:0 YUV, 10 bits per channel

New in version 1.6.

A422_10BE = 56

planar 4:4:2:2 YUV, 10 bits per channel

New in version 1.6.

A422_10LE = 57

planar 4:4:2:2 YUV, 10 bits per channel

New in version 1.6.

A444_10BE = 58

planar 4:4:4:4 YUV, 10 bits per channel

New in version 1.6.

A444_10LE = 59

planar 4:4:4:4 YUV, 10 bits per channel

New in version 1.6.

AYUV = 6

packed 4:4:4 YUV with alpha channel (A0-Y0-U0-V0 …)

NV61 = 60

planar 4:2:2 YUV with interleaved VU plane

New in version 1.6.

P010_10BE = 61

planar 4:2:0 YUV with interleaved UV plane, 10 bits per channel

New in version 1.10.

P010_10LE = 62

planar 4:2:0 YUV with interleaved UV plane, 10 bits per channel

New in version 1.10.

IYU2 = 63

packed 4:4:4 YUV (U-Y-V …)

New in version 1.10.

VYUY = 64

packed 4:2:2 YUV (V0-Y0-U0-Y1 V2-Y2-U2-Y3 V4 …)

GBRA = 65

planar 4:4:4:4 ARGB, 8 bits per channel

New in version 1.12.

GBRA_10BE = 66

planar 4:4:4:4 ARGB, 10 bits per channel

New in version 1.12.

GBRA_10LE = 67

planar 4:4:4:4 ARGB, 10 bits per channel

New in version 1.12.

GBR_12BE = 68

planar 4:4:4 RGB, 12 bits per channel

New in version 1.12.

GBR_12LE = 69

planar 4:4:4 RGB, 12 bits per channel

New in version 1.12.

RGBX = 7

sparse rgb packed into 32 bit, space last

GBRA_12BE = 70

planar 4:4:4:4 ARGB, 12 bits per channel

New in version 1.12.

GBRA_12LE = 71

planar 4:4:4:4 ARGB, 12 bits per channel

New in version 1.12.

I420_12BE = 72

planar 4:2:0 YUV, 12 bits per channel

New in version 1.12.

I420_12LE = 73

planar 4:2:0 YUV, 12 bits per channel

New in version 1.12.

I422_12BE = 74

planar 4:2:2 YUV, 12 bits per channel

New in version 1.12.

I422_12LE = 75

planar 4:2:2 YUV, 12 bits per channel

New in version 1.12.

Y444_12BE = 76

planar 4:4:4 YUV, 12 bits per channel

New in version 1.12.

Y444_12LE = 77

planar 4:4:4 YUV, 12 bits per channel

New in version 1.12.

GRAY10_LE32 = 78

10-bit grayscale, packed into 32bit words (2 bits padding)

New in version 1.14.

NV12_10LE32 = 79

10-bit variant of GstVideo.VideoFormat.NV12, packed into 32bit words (MSB 2 bits padding)

New in version 1.14.

BGRX = 8

sparse reverse rgb packed into 32 bit, space last

NV16_10LE32 = 80

10-bit variant of GstVideo.VideoFormat.NV16, packed into 32bit words (MSB 2 bits padding)

New in version 1.14.

NV12_10LE40 = 81

Fully packed variant of NV12_10LE32

New in version 1.16.

Y210 = 82

packed 4:2:2 YUV, 10 bits per channel

New in version 1.16.

Y410 = 83

packed 4:4:4 YUV, 10 bits per channel(A-V-Y-U…)

New in version 1.16.

VUYA = 84

packed 4:4:4 YUV with alpha channel (V0-U0-Y0-A0…)

New in version 1.16.

BGR10A2_LE = 85

packed 4:4:4 RGB with alpha channel(B-G-R-A), 10 bits for R/G/B channel and MSB 2 bits for alpha channel

New in version 1.16.

RGB10A2_LE = 86

packed 4:4:4 RGB with alpha channel(R-G-B-A), 10 bits for R/G/B channel and MSB 2 bits for alpha channel

New in version 1.18.

Y444_16BE = 87

planar 4:4:4 YUV, 16 bits per channel

New in version 1.18.

Y444_16LE = 88

planar 4:4:4 YUV, 16 bits per channel

New in version 1.18.

P016_BE = 89

planar 4:2:0 YUV with interleaved UV plane, 16 bits per channel

New in version 1.18.

XRGB = 9

sparse rgb packed into 32 bit, space first

P016_LE = 90

planar 4:2:0 YUV with interleaved UV plane, 16 bits per channel

New in version 1.18.

P012_BE = 91

planar 4:2:0 YUV with interleaved UV plane, 12 bits per channel

New in version 1.18.

P012_LE = 92

planar 4:2:0 YUV with interleaved UV plane, 12 bits per channel

New in version 1.18.

Y212_BE = 93

packed 4:2:2 YUV, 12 bits per channel (Y-U-Y-V)

New in version 1.18.

Y212_LE = 94

packed 4:2:2 YUV, 12 bits per channel (Y-U-Y-V)

New in version 1.18.

Y412_BE = 95

packed 4:4:4:4 YUV, 12 bits per channel(U-Y-V-A…)

New in version 1.18.

Y412_LE = 96

packed 4:4:4:4 YUV, 12 bits per channel(U-Y-V-A…)

New in version 1.18.

NV12_4L4 = 97

NV12 with 4x4 tiles in linear order.

New in version 1.18.

NV12_32L32 = 98

NV12 with 32x32 tiles in linear order.

New in version 1.18.

RGBP = 99

Planar 4:4:4 RGB, R-G-B order

New in version 1.20.

class GstVideo.VideoGLTextureOrientation(value)

Bases: GObject.GEnum

The orientation of the GL texture.


Top line first in memory, left row first


Bottom line first in memory, left row first


Top line first in memory, right row first


Bottom line first in memory, right row first

class GstVideo.VideoGLTextureType(value)

Bases: GObject.GEnum

The GL texture type.


Luminance texture, GL_LUMINANCE


Luminance-alpha texture, GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA

RGB16 = 2

RGB 565 texture, GL_RGB

RGB = 3

RGB texture, GL_RGB

RGBA = 4

RGBA texture, GL_RGBA

R = 5

R texture, GL_RED_EXT

RG = 6

RG texture, GL_RG_EXT

class GstVideo.VideoGammaMode(value)

Bases: GObject.GEnum

New in version 1.6.

NONE = 0

disable gamma handling


convert between input and output gamma Different gamma conversion modes

class GstVideo.VideoInterlaceMode(value)

Bases: GObject.GEnum

The possible values of the GstVideo.VideoInterlaceMode describing the interlace mode of the stream.

classmethod from_string(mode)[source]

mode (str) – a mode


the GstVideo.VideoInterlaceMode of mode or GstVideo.VideoInterlaceMode.PROGRESSIVE when mode is not a valid string representation for a GstVideo.VideoInterlaceMode.

Return type:


Convert mode to a GstVideo.VideoInterlaceMode

New in version 1.6.

classmethod to_string(mode)[source]

mode (GstVideo.VideoInterlaceMode) – a GstVideo.VideoInterlaceMode


mode as a string.

Return type:


Convert mode to its string representation.

New in version 1.6.


all frames are progressive


2 fields are interleaved in one video frame. Extra buffer flags describe the field order.


frames contains both interlaced and progressive video, the buffer flags describe the frame and fields.


2 fields are stored in one buffer, use the frame ID to get access to the required field. For multiview (the ‘views’ property > 1) the fields of view N can be found at frame ID (N * 2) and (N * 2) + 1. Each field has only half the amount of lines as noted in the height property. This mode requires multiple GstVideo.VideoMeta metadata to describe the fields.


1 field is stored in one buffer, GST_VIDEO_BUFFER_FLAG_TF or GST_VIDEO_BUFFER_FLAG_BF indicates if the buffer is carrying the top or bottom field, respectively. The top and bottom buffers must alternate in the pipeline, with this mode

New in version 1.16.

class GstVideo.VideoMatrixMode(value)

Bases: GObject.GEnum

Different color matrix conversion modes

New in version 1.6.

FULL = 0

do conversion between color matrices


use the input color matrix to convert to and from R’G’B


use the output color matrix to convert to and from R’G’B

NONE = 3

disable color matrix conversion.

class GstVideo.VideoMultiviewFramePacking(value)

Bases: GObject.GEnum

GstVideo.VideoMultiviewFramePacking represents the subset of GstVideo.VideoMultiviewMode values that can be applied to any video frame without needing extra metadata. It can be used by elements that provide a property to override the multiview interpretation of a video stream when the video doesn’t contain any markers.

This enum is used (for example) on playbin, to re-interpret a played video stream as a stereoscopic video. The individual enum values are equivalent to and have the same value as the matching GstVideo.VideoMultiviewMode.

NONE = -1

A special value indicating no frame packing info.

MONO = 0

All frames are monoscopic.

LEFT = 1

All frames represent a left-eye view.


All frames represent a right-eye view.


Left and right eye views are provided in the left and right half of the frame respectively.


Left and right eye views are provided in the left and right half of the frame, but have been sampled using quincunx method, with half-pixel offset between the 2 views.


Alternating vertical columns of pixels represent the left and right eye view respectively.


Alternating horizontal rows of pixels represent the left and right eye view respectively.


The top half of the frame contains the left eye, and the bottom half the right eye.


Pixels are arranged with alternating pixels representing left and right eye views in a checkerboard fashion.

class GstVideo.VideoMultiviewMode(value)

Bases: GObject.GEnum

All possible stereoscopic 3D and multiview representations. In conjunction with GstVideo.VideoMultiviewFlags, describes how multiview content is being transported in the stream.

classmethod from_caps_string(caps_mview_mode)[source]

caps_mview_mode (str) – multiview-mode field string from caps


The GstVideo.VideoMultiviewMode value

Given a string from a caps multiview-mode field, output the corresponding GstVideo.VideoMultiviewMode or GstVideo.VideoMultiviewMode.NONE

Return type:


New in version 1.6.

classmethod to_caps_string(mview_mode)[source]

mview_mode (GstVideo.VideoMultiviewMode) – A GstVideo.VideoMultiviewMode value


The caps string representation of the mode, or None if invalid.

Return type:

str or None

Given a GstVideo.VideoMultiviewMode returns the multiview-mode caps string for insertion into a caps structure

New in version 1.6.

NONE = -1

A special value indicating no multiview information. Used in GstVideo.VideoInfo and other places to indicate that no specific multiview handling has been requested or provided. This value is never carried on caps.

MONO = 0

All frames are monoscopic.

LEFT = 1

All frames represent a left-eye view.


All frames represent a right-eye view.


Left and right eye views are provided in the left and right half of the frame respectively.


Left and right eye views are provided in separate frames alternately.


Multiple independent views are provided in separate frames in sequence. This method only applies to raw video buffers at the moment. Specific view identification is via the GstVideoMultiviewMeta and GstVideo.VideoMeta(s) on raw video buffers.


Multiple views are provided as separate Gst.Memory framebuffers attached to each Gst.Buffer, described by the GstVideoMultiviewMeta and GstVideo.VideoMeta(s)


Left and right eye views are provided in the left and right half of the frame, but have been sampled using quincunx method, with half-pixel offset between the 2 views.


Alternating vertical columns of pixels represent the left and right eye view respectively.


Alternating horizontal rows of pixels represent the left and right eye view respectively.


The top half of the frame contains the left eye, and the bottom half the right eye.


Pixels are arranged with alternating pixels representing left and right eye views in a checkerboard fashion.

class GstVideo.VideoOrientationMethod(value)

Bases: GObject.GEnum

The different video orientation methods.

New in version 1.10.


Identity (no rotation)

90R = 1
_90R = 1

Rotate clockwise 90 degrees

180 = 2
_180 = 2

Rotate 180 degrees

90L = 3
_90L = 3

Rotate counter-clockwise 90 degrees


Flip horizontally

VERT = 5

Flip vertically

UL_LR = 6

Flip across upper left/lower right diagonal

UR_LL = 7

Flip across upper right/lower left diagonal

AUTO = 8

Select flip method based on image-orientation tag


Current status depends on plugin internal setup

class GstVideo.VideoPrimariesMode(value)

Bases: GObject.GEnum

Different primaries conversion modes

New in version 1.6.

NONE = 0

disable conversion between primaries


do conversion between primaries only when it can be merged with color matrix conversion.

FAST = 2

fast conversion between primaries

class GstVideo.VideoResamplerMethod(value)

Bases: GObject.GEnum

Different subsampling and upsampling methods

New in version 1.6.


Duplicates the samples when upsampling and drops when downsampling


Uses linear interpolation to reconstruct missing samples and averaging to downsample


Uses cubic interpolation

SINC = 3

Uses sinc interpolation


Uses lanczos interpolation

class GstVideo.VideoTileMode(value)

Bases: GObject.GEnum

Enum value describing the available tiling modes.


Unknown or unset tile mode

LINEAR = 131072

Tiles are in row order.

New in version 1.18.

ZFLIPZ_2X2 = 65536

Every four adjacent blocks - two horizontally and two vertically are grouped together and are located in memory in Z or flipped Z order. In case of odd rows, the last row of blocks is arranged in linear order.

class GstVideo.VideoTileType(value)

Bases: GObject.GEnum

Enum value describing the most common tiling types.


Tiles are indexed. Use GstVideo.video_tile_get_index () to retrieve the tile at the requested coordinates.

class GstVideo.VideoTransferFunction(value)

Bases: GObject.GEnum

The video transfer function defines the formula for converting between non-linear RGB (R’G’B’) and linear RGB

classmethod decode(func, val)[source]

the gamma decoded value of val

Return type:


Convert val to its gamma decoded value. This is the inverse operation of GstVideo.video_color_transfer_encode().

For a non-linear value L’ in the range [0..1], conversion to the linear L is in general performed with a power function like:

L = L' ^ gamma

Depending on func, different formulas might be applied. Some formulas encode a linear segment in the lower range.

New in version 1.20.

classmethod encode(func, val)[source]

the gamma encoded value of val

Return type:


Convert val to its gamma encoded value.

For a linear value L in the range [0..1], conversion to the non-linear (gamma encoded) L’ is in general performed with a power function like:

L' = L ^ (1 / gamma)

Depending on func, different formulas might be applied. Some formulas encode a linear segment in the lower range.

New in version 1.20.

classmethod from_iso(value)[source]

value (int) – a ITU-T H.273 transfer characteristics value


the matched GstVideo.VideoTransferFunction

Return type:


Converts the value to the GstVideo.VideoTransferFunction The transfer characteristics (TransferCharacteristics) value is defined by “ISO/IEC 23001-8 Section 7.2 Table 3” and “ITU-T H.273 Table 3”. “H.264 Table E-4” and “H.265 Table E.4” share the identical values.

New in version 1.18.

classmethod is_equivalent(from_func, from_bpp, to_func, to_bpp)[source]

True if from_func and to_func can be considered equivalent.

Return type:


Returns whether from_func and to_func are equivalent. There are cases (e.g. BT601, BT709, and BT2020_10) where several functions are functionally identical. In these cases, when doing conversion, we should consider them as equivalent. Also, BT2020_12 is the same as the aforementioned three for less than 12 bits per pixel.

New in version 1.18.

classmethod to_iso(func)[source]

func (GstVideo.VideoTransferFunction) – a GstVideo.VideoTransferFunction


The value of ISO/IEC 23001-8 transfer characteristics.

Return type:


Converts GstVideo.VideoTransferFunction to the “transfer characteristics” (TransferCharacteristics) value defined by “ISO/IEC 23001-8 Section 7.2 Table 3” and “ITU-T H.273 Table 3”. “H.264 Table E-4” and “H.265 Table E.4” share the identical values.

New in version 1.18.


unknown transfer function

GAMMA10 = 1

linear RGB, gamma 1.0 curve

LOG316 = 10

Logarithmic transfer characteristic 316.22777:1 range (100 * sqrt(10) : 1)

BT2020_12 = 11

Gamma 2.2 curve with a linear segment in the lower range. Used for BT.2020 with 12 bits per component.

New in version 1.6.


Gamma 2.19921875.

New in version 1.8.

BT2020_10 = 13

Rec. ITU-R BT.2020-2 with 10 bits per component. (functionally the same as the values GstVideo.VideoTransferFunction.BT709 and GstVideo.VideoTransferFunction.BT601).

New in version 1.18.

SMPTE2084 = 14

SMPTE ST 2084 for 10, 12, 14, and 16-bit systems. Known as perceptual quantization (PQ)

New in version 1.18.

ARIB_STD_B67 = 15

Association of Radio Industries and Businesses (ARIB) STD-B67 and Rec. ITU-R BT.2100-1 hybrid loggamma (HLG) system

New in version 1.18.

BT601 = 16

also known as SMPTE170M / ITU-R BT1358 525 or 625 / ITU-R BT1700 NTSC

New in version 1.18.

GAMMA18 = 2

Gamma 1.8 curve

GAMMA20 = 3

Gamma 2.0 curve

GAMMA22 = 4

Gamma 2.2 curve

BT709 = 5

Gamma 2.2 curve with a linear segment in the lower range, also ITU-R BT470M / ITU-R BT1700 625 PAL & SECAM / ITU-R BT1361

SMPTE240M = 6

Gamma 2.2 curve with a linear segment in the lower range

SRGB = 7

Gamma 2.4 curve with a linear segment in the lower range. IEC 61966-2-1 (sRGB or sYCC)

GAMMA28 = 8

Gamma 2.8 curve, also ITU-R BT470BG

LOG100 = 9

Logarithmic transfer characteristic 100:1 range

class GstVideo.VideoVBIParserResult(value)

Bases: GObject.GEnum

Return values for GstVideo.VideoVBIParser

New in version 1.16.

DONE = 0

No line were provided, or no more Ancillary data was found.

OK = 1

A GstVideo.VideoAncillary was found.


An error occurred