- Shumate.MAJOR_VERSION = 1¶
The major version of libshumate (1, if %SHUMATE_VERSION is 1.2.3)
- Shumate.MAP_SOURCE_MFF_RELIEF = 'mff-relief'¶
Maps for Free Relief
- Shumate.MAP_SOURCE_OSM_CYCLE_MAP = 'osm-cyclemap'¶
OpenStreetMap Cycle Map
- Shumate.MAP_SOURCE_OSM_MAPNIK = 'osm-mapnik'¶
OpenStreetMap Mapnik
- Shumate.MAP_SOURCE_OSM_TRANSPORT_MAP = 'osm-transportmap'¶
OpenStreetMap Transport Map
- Shumate.MAP_SOURCE_OWM_CLOUDS = 'owm-clouds'¶
OpenWeatherMap clouds layer
- Shumate.MAP_SOURCE_OWM_PRECIPITATION = 'owm-precipitation'¶
OpenWeatherMap precipitation
- Shumate.MAP_SOURCE_OWM_PRESSURE = 'owm-pressure'¶
OpenWeatherMap sea level pressure
- Shumate.MAP_SOURCE_OWM_TEMPERATURE = 'owm-temperature'¶
OpenWeatherMap temperature
- Shumate.MAP_SOURCE_OWM_WIND = 'owm-wind'¶
OpenWeatherMap wind
- Shumate.MAX_LATITUDE = 85.0511287798¶
The maximal possible latitude value.
- Shumate.MAX_LONGITUDE = 180.0¶
The maximal possible longitude value.
- Shumate.MINOR_VERSION = 4¶
The minor version of libshumate (2, if %SHUMATE_VERSION is 1.2.3)
- Shumate.MIN_LATITUDE = -85.0511287798¶
The minimal possible latitude value.
- Shumate.MIN_LONGITUDE = -180.0¶
The minimal possible longitude value.