- Vips.A_X0 = 109.8503¶
Areas under curves for illuminant A (2856K), 2 degree observer.
- Vips.A_Y0 = 100.0¶
- Vips.A_Z0 = 35.5849¶
- Vips.B_X0 = 99.072¶
Areas under curves for illuminant B (4874K), 2 degree observer.
- Vips.B_Y0 = 100.0¶
- Vips.B_Z0 = 85.223¶
- Vips.CONFIG = 'enable debug: false\nenable deprecated: true\nenable modules: true\nenable cplusplus: true\nenable RAD load/save: true\nenable Analyze7 load: true\nenable PPM load/save: true\nenable GIF load: true\nFFTs with fftw3: true\nSIMD support with libhwy: true\nICC profile support with lcms2: true\ndeflate compression with zlib: true\ntext rendering with pangocairo: true\nfont file support with fontconfig: true\nEXIF metadata support with libexif: true\nJPEG load/save with libjpeg: true\nJXL load/save with libjxl: true (dynamic module: true)\nJPEG2000 load/save with libopenjp2: true\nPNG load/save with spng: true\nimage quantisation with imagequant: true\nTIFF load/save with libtiff-4: true\nimage pyramid save with libarchive: true\nHEIC/AVIF load/save with libheif: true (dynamic module: true)\nWebP load/save with libwebp: true\nPDF load with poppler-glib: true (dynamic module: true)\nSVG load with librsvg-2.0: true\nEXR load with OpenEXR: true\nWSI load with openslide: true (dynamic module: true)\nMatlab load with matio: true\nNIfTI load/save with libnifti: false\nFITS load/save with cfitsio: true\nGIF save with cgif: true\nMagick load/save with MagickCore: true (dynamic module: true)'¶
- Vips.C_X0 = 98.07¶
Areas under curves for illuminant C (6774K), 2 degree observer.
- Vips.C_Y0 = 100.0¶
- Vips.C_Z0 = 118.23¶
- Vips.D3250_X0 = 105.659¶
Areas under curves for black body at 3250K, 2 degree observer.
- Vips.D3250_Y0 = 100.0¶
- Vips.D3250_Z0 = 45.8501¶
- Vips.D50_X0 = 96.425¶
Areas under curves for D50, 2 degree observer.
- Vips.D50_Y0 = 100.0¶
- Vips.D50_Z0 = 82.468¶
- Vips.D55_X0 = 95.6831¶
Areas under curves for D55, 2 degree observer.
- Vips.D55_Y0 = 100.0¶
- Vips.D55_Z0 = 92.0871¶
- Vips.D65_X0 = 95.047¶
Areas under curves for D65, 2 degree observer.
- Vips.D65_Y0 = 100.0¶
- Vips.D65_Z0 = 108.8827¶
- Vips.D75_X0 = 94.9682¶
Areas under curves for D75, 2 degree observer.
- Vips.D75_Y0 = 100.0¶
- Vips.D75_Z0 = 122.571¶
- Vips.D93_X0 = 89.74¶
Areas under curves for D93, 2 degree observer.
- Vips.D93_Y0 = 100.0¶
- Vips.D93_Z0 = 130.77¶
- Vips.DEFAULT_MAX_COORD = 100000000¶
- Vips.E_X0 = 100.0¶
Areas under curves for equal energy illuminant E.
- Vips.E_Y0 = 100.0¶
- Vips.E_Z0 = 100.0¶
as a multiplicative constant.
Many of the vips interpolators use fixed-point arithmetic for value calculation. This is how many bits of precision they use.
- Vips.LIBRARY_AGE = 18¶
- Vips.MAGIC_INTEL = -1230573048¶
The first four bytes of a VIPS file in Intel byte ordering.
- Vips.MAGIC_SPARC = 150120118¶
The first four bytes of a VIPS file in SPARC byte ordering.
- Vips.META_BITS_PER_SAMPLE = 'bits-per-sample'¶
The bits per sample for each channel.
- Vips.META_CONCURRENCY = 'concurrency'¶
If set, the suggested concurrency for this image.
- Vips.META_EXIF_NAME = 'exif-data'¶
The name that read and write operations use for the image’s EXIF data.
- Vips.META_ICC_NAME = 'icc-profile-data'¶
The name we use to attach an ICC profile. The file read and write operations for TIFF, JPEG, PNG and others use this item of metadata to attach and save ICC profiles. The profile is updated by the vips_icc_transform() operations.
- Vips.META_IMAGEDESCRIPTION = 'image-description'¶
The IMAGEDESCRIPTION tag. Often has useful metadata.
- Vips.META_IPTC_NAME = 'iptc-data'¶
The name that read and write operations use for the image’s IPTC data.
- Vips.META_LOADER = 'vips-loader'¶
Record the name of the original loader here. Handy for hinting file formats and for debugging.
- Vips.META_N_PAGES = 'n-pages'¶
If set, the number of pages in the original file.
- Vips.META_N_SUBIFDS = 'n-subifds'¶
If set, the number of subifds in the first page of the file.
- Vips.META_ORIENTATION = 'orientation'¶
The orientation tag for this image. An int from 1 - 8 using the standard exif/tiff meanings.
1 - The 0th row represents the visual top of the image, and the 0th column represents the visual left-hand side.
2 - The 0th row represents the visual top of the image, and the 0th column represents the visual right-hand side.
3 - The 0th row represents the visual bottom of the image, and the 0th column represents the visual right-hand side.
4 - The 0th row represents the visual bottom of the image, and the 0th column represents the visual left-hand side.
5 - The 0th row represents the visual left-hand side of the image, and the 0th column represents the visual top.
6 - The 0th row represents the visual right-hand side of the image, and the 0th column represents the visual top.
7 - The 0th row represents the visual right-hand side of the image, and the 0th column represents the visual bottom.
8 - The 0th row represents the visual left-hand side of the image, and the 0th column represents the visual bottom.
- Vips.META_PAGE_HEIGHT = 'page-height'¶
If set, the height of each page when this image was loaded. If you save an image with “page-height” set to a format that supports multiple pages, such as tiff, the image will be saved as a series of pages.
- Vips.META_PALETTE = 'palette'¶
Does this image have a palette?
- Vips.META_PHOTOSHOP_NAME = 'photoshop-data'¶
The name that TIFF read and write operations use for the image’s TIFFTAG_PHOTOSHOP data.
- Vips.META_RESOLUTION_UNIT = 'resolution-unit'¶
The JPEG and TIFF read and write operations use this to record the file’s preferred unit for resolution.
- Vips.META_SEQUENTIAL = 'vips-sequential'¶
Images loaded via vips_sequential() have this int field defined. Some operations (eg. vips_shrinkv()) add extra caches if they see it on their input.
- Vips.META_XMP_NAME = 'xmp-data'¶
The name that read and write operations use for the image’s XMP data.
- Vips.MINOR_VERSION = 16¶
as a multiplicative constant.
Many of the vips interpolators use fixed-point arithmetic for coordinate calculation. This is how many bits of precision they use.
- Vips.VERSION = '8.16.0'¶
- Vips.VERSION_STRING = '8.16.0'¶