


The major version number of the VTE library (e.g. in version 3.1.4 this is 3).


The micro version number of the VTE library (e.g. in version 3.1.4 this is 4).


The minor version number of the VTE library (e.g. in version 3.1.4 this is 1).

Vte.REGEX_FLAGS_DEFAULT = 1075314688

Use this as a spawn flag (together with flags from GLib.SpawnFlags) in Vte.Pty.spawn_async().

Normally, the spawned process inherits the environment from the parent process; when this flag is used, only the environment variables passed to Vte.Pty.spawn_async() etc. are passed to the child process.


Use this as a spawn flag (together with flags from GLib.SpawnFlags) in Vte.Pty.spawn_async().

Prevents Vte.Pty.spawn_async() etc. from moving the newly created child process to a systemd user scope.

New in version 0.60.


Use this as a spawn flag (together with flags from GLib.SpawnFlags) in Vte.Pty.spawn_async().

Requires Vte.Pty.spawn_async() etc. to move the newly created child process to a systemd user scope; if that fails, the whole spawn fails.

This is supported on Linux only.

New in version 0.60.


A Vte.PropertyType.STRING termprop that stores the name of the container.

New in version 0.78.

Vte.TERMPROP_CONTAINER_RUNTIME = 'vte.container.runtime'

A Vte.PropertyType.STRING termprop that stores the runtime of the container.

New in version 0.78.

Vte.TERMPROP_CONTAINER_UID = 'vte.container.uid'

A Vte.PropertyType.UINT termprop that stores the user ID of the container.

New in version 0.78.


A Vte.PropertyType.URI termprop that stores the current directory URI as set by OSC 7. Use this with Vte.Terminal.ref_termprop_uri() instead of using Vte.Terminal.get_current_directory_uri().

Note that this termprop is not settable via the termprop OSC.

New in version 0.78.


A Vte.PropertyType.URI termprop that stores the current file URI as set by OSC 6. Use this with Vte.Terminal.ref_termprop_uri() instead of using Vte.Terminal.get_current_file_uri().

Note that this termprop is not settable via the termprop OSC.

New in version 0.78.

Vte.TERMPROP_ICON_COLOR = 'vte.icon.color'
Vte.TERMPROP_ICON_IMAGE = 'vte.icon.image'

A Vte.PropertyType.IMAGE termprop to specify an image for use as a favicon.

Applications should prefer to use this termprop, if set, over the Vte.TERMPROP_ICON_COLOR color.

Note that in this vte version, this termprop is always unset.

New in version 0.80.


The string prefix that any termprop’s name must start with to be installed by Vte.install_termprop().

New in version 0.78.

Vte.TERMPROP_PROGRESS_HINT = 'vte.progress.hint'

A Vte.PropertyType.INT termprop that stores a hint how to interpret the Vte.TERMPROP_PROGRESS_VALUE termprop value. If set, this termprop’s value will be from the Vte.ProgressHint enumeration. An unset termprop should be treated as if it had value Vte.ProgressHint.ACTIVE if the Vte.TERMPROP_PROGRESS_VALUE termprop has a value

Note that this termprop never will have the value Vte.ProgressHint.INACTIVE.

The value of this termprop should be ignored unless the Vte.TERMPROP_PROGRESS_VALUE termprop has a value.

Note that this termprop cannot be set by the termprop OSC, but instead only by OSC 9 ; 4 (ConEmu progress).

New in version 0.80.

Vte.TERMPROP_PROGRESS_VALUE = 'vte.progress.value'

A Vte.PropertyType.UINT termprop that stores the progress of the running command as a value between 0 and 100.

Note that this termprop cannot be set by the termprop OSC, but instead only by OSC 9 ; 4 (ConEmu progress).

New in version 0.80.


An ephemeral Vte.PropertyType.UINT termprop that signals that the shell has executed the commands entered at the prompt and these commands have returned. The termprop value is the exit code.

New in version 0.78.


A Vte.PropertyType.VALUELESS termprop that signals that the shell is going to prompt.

New in version 0.78.


A Vte.PropertyType.VALUELESS termprop that signals that the shell is preparing to execute the command entered at the prompt.

New in version 0.78.

Vte.TERMPROP_XTERM_TITLE = 'xterm.title'

A Vte.PropertyType.STRING termprop that stores the xterm window title as set by OSC 0 and OSC 2. Use this with Vte.Terminal.get_termprop_string() instead of using Vte.Terminal.get_window_title().

Note that this termprop is not settable via the termprop OSC.

New in version 0.78.

Vte.TEST_FLAGS_ALL = 18446744073709551615